"Tris he will be fine." Zeke reassures me. I nod my head and continue to stare at the nurses station. Tobias has been in the security room for a few minutes now. It was hard just to get him in there. All the nurses were running about. We ended up casually walking past the room, so Tobias could sneak in. We then walked in a big circle before coming back.
"I know." I look down at the Jello I am holding. It was decided that Zeke and I would have to do something so we blend in.
Zeke snorts. "Why did you pick Jello?"
I look down at the blue substance. "Everyone eats it here. Have you not noticed?" I pause and look back up at him. "It's more popular than seeing patients."
"That doesn't make much sense." He laughs at me.
I point over to the trash bin right next to the nurses station. "Look at all that empty Jello. I just figured that it would look more natural."
"Tris for teenagers, we can't look natural." He smiles and takes out his phone. "People always look to point their finger at us. Jello or no Jello." I watch as he looks through his phone. "Ummm."
"What?" I ask as I set my Jello on the floor next to me.
"Four needs more time." Zeke doesn't risk saying more.
"Thats not good. There must be only a few more minutes before he needs to be out of there." I whisper.
"I'm aware Tris." He types a few words into his phone and drops it into his pocket. "We have to distract him the incoming guard."
I smile at a nurse who walks by and look at the elevator. "No not we. One of us needs to stay here to tell Tobias when he can come out." I look down to the floor. "I'll go okay? This will only gain you about two more minutes."
I step away before he can object. I speed walk over to the stair case and throw the door open. My legs move down the stairs, until I get to the 'Floor One' sign. I take a second and catch my breath before I make my way into the lobby.
With my first glance, I catch the guard walking in the main doors. He must be coming in for his shift.
I meet the guard on his way to the elevator. "Woah!" I put on my best smile. "Your a cop."
"Uh sure." He mutters and tries to step around me. I notice his attempt and step in the same direction as him.
"I think cops are the coolest!" I put enthusiasm into the lie.
"That's cool kid." He buys the lie. "I'm not a cop though."
I ignore his attempt to end the conversation. "Do you have a gun?"
"Yep." He points to the 'gun' attached to his belt.
I laugh a little bit. "That's not a gun. A tazer maybe."
He watches me. "Yeah sure. Look I have to go."
I don't move, just so he has to step around me. "Wait." I call out to the guard.
He hits the elevator button and turns around. "What."
"Don't lie." I pause. "Your not good at it."
He watches me as he backs into the now open elevator. When the door closes, I pull out my phone and send a text to Zeke:
Guard incoming.
My phone buzzes right away with the reply.
He's out. Come back up here.
I rush to the stair case and make my way back to the right floor. Zeke and Tobias wait for me at the top of the stairs once I'm at the right floor.

Alternate Reality: Life in a High School (Divergent Fanfic)
РазноеAfter receiving a letter to attend Chicago High school, life for Beatrice Prior has taken a 180. Instead of living the ordinary life of a teenager, she has found herself tangled in conflicts she never saw coming. After being threatened by her new...