Chapter 26

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This can't be possible, can it? 

The rain is pouring everywhere. Each drop makes an impact that feels like a bee sting. I am alone, like I always am, in a street, or a field. I can't tell, because it is just too dark.

It is not the darkness that is freaking me out, or even the hurtful rain. It is the things that are hiding for me in the darkness, and the fact that I am alone. 

I sit there and stare into the dark. Is there anything I can do?

That is when the noise comes. One small screeching cry of a crow, fill the air. One small crow in this place can not be a good sign. 

Another crow screams into the darkness. Their cries are louder than normal, almost deafening. More crows scream until the sound is unbearable. 

I slouch to my knees and cover my ears in a desperate attempt to drown out the crows, but it is no use. They just get louder. 

Blood leaks between my fingers as it pours from my ears. I am being suffocated, not by the crows, but by the screaming and my inability to do anything about it. 

I feel something land on my back. It is too painful to be another raindrop, so I assume it's a crow. Soon all of them will be on me. I will be drowning in a sea of crows. 

But wait, This can't be real. I know it's not. 

I stand up and let the cries of the crows fill my ears. I open my mouth and fill the air with my very own scream of frustration. As soon as my anger fills the air, the crows stop. I am in control and that is how it needs to be. 

My body jolts upright in my bed. That was yet another unpleasant dream. Out of instinct, I grab for my ears. No blood, and no crows. It is all okay. 

"Hey." Tobias sits up. I must have woken him up. "What is wrong with your ears." 

I let my hands drop from my ears. "Nothing. Just this really strange and actually terrifying nightmare I just had." 

"With ears?" He touches my face. 

"No, well sort of." I pause and give him the quick version of my dream. 

"I get those too. Not with crows though." He turns his head in an angle that allows the moonlight to reflect in his eyes. "Most of mine are about my father." 

"I hate it." I pause right as the garage door opens and fills my room with a hum. "That too. I can always hear it in my room." 

Tobias laughs and then changes tone. "Your mom is here?" 

"Um, yeah that is probably her." I pause and then realize that this is sort of a problem. "Okay, they are not going to like the fact that we are here alone." 

"Don't worry. I got this, but only if we hurry." He pulls me up with him as he stands up. We charge out of my room and across the hall into my brother's room. I flick on the light to wake up the sleepy Caleb. 

"Beatrice!" He shouts at me. 

"Caleb not now. Just look awake, okay?" I tell him to get him to quiet down. 

Tobias picks up Caleb's laptop and turns it on. "Is there a movie in here?"

"I don't know." Caleb mumbles into his pillow.

"Pull your act together please." I take the pillow from him and he sits up right away.

"Ok yes you do have a movie in here." Tobias starts the movie and sits on the floor in front of Caleb's bed. "I'm going to skip through this movie, so it looks like we have been watching it."

"Wait, what?" Caleb is finally starting to realize what Tobias is trying to do.

"Go along." I elbow him and then sit on the floor next to Tobias.

I know my parents are in the house as soon as doors start to slam. "What movie is this?" Tobias asks while he studies the screen.

"Star Trek." Caleb responds.

Tobias falls silent, and I can tell he is trying he best not to say anything about the movie. 

I sit there and listen to my parents come up the stairs. They should come in here to tell us that they are home. 

Time ticks on and after a while I hear my parents door open and close. That is weird, my mom would be super happy to see me and Caleb. I look up at Caleb and he returns my gaze, We both know something is wrong. 

"Tobias." I whisper. He looks over to me. "Something is not right." 

"I got the feeling." He whispers back and hands the laptop to Caleb. 

"I'M GOING TO GET THE KIDS." I voice screams. Caleb looks  at me, because we both know that was not either of my parents. 

"We have to go." I whisper right as the door to my parents room opens. 

"No time." Tobias whispers back. "Caleb do you have any weapons?" 

"No, Why would I?" He whispers. 

The door to Caleb's room opens, and Eric walks in with a  few other men. "Thank you for all being in one room. It makes my job that much easier." 

"Eric!" Tobias growls. "What is the point?" 

"I'm just following orders." Eric grins as he snaps his fingers. The other men come toward us. 

I put my hands up in front if my face, and throw a punch right into the man's jaw. He screams and then lunges at me. 

He knocks we to the ground and starts to tie my hands together. I look over to see that Tobias's guard has a bloody nose and Tobias is unconscious on the floor. He must have tried to fight. 

Caleb fully cooperated, and is standing upright with his arms tied behind his back. He half gets us into this big mess in the first place, and he doesn't even try to fight. 

"You guys need to learn when to stop." Eric laughs as he walks out of the room. "Take them into the parent's room. Oh, except for him." Eric points to Tobias. "I want him in a different room. We are going to have a chat." 


This is a short chapter and I'm sorry. I hope you all are doing good. :)

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