Chapter 1

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Earlier today, my dad checked the mail and in the pile of mail, was a letter addressed to me. I remember my thoughts were 'Why would someone want to send me a letter?' That is when I took a closer look.

I sit in my room holding the letter in my hands. The paper's flawless lines and perfect folds tell me that it is important. I honestly can't believe that I got a letter actually saying I got accepted into something. I don't think I ever applied to this school in the first place and I never knew it existed.

I skim my eyes over the letter once again trying to make sense of what it says.

Beatrice Prior,

It is our pleasure to give you the news that you have been excepted into Chicago High School. Your essay impressed us, and we are thoroughly exited to invite you to join us on August 16 for the start of the school year. Please contact us as soon as possible so you can tour the school.


Marcus Eaton ( Principal of Chicago High School)

I look at the calender next to my desk and see that the 16th is a week from now. I have to make a decision fast, but fist I want to find out who enrolled me to this school. I know that I didn't.

I stand up from my desk and walk across my neat and organized room. My hand reaches for the doorknob and I pull it open. "CALEB!" I yell across the hallway for my brother.

"Beatrice no yelling in the house." I hear my father say from downstairs. He says that every time and nothing happens. My parents are very layed back. 

I look across the hallway, waiting for Caleb to come here. "WHAT!" He shouts from his room.

"Really guys, are neighbors can probably hear you." My dad says from the living room. That is what he says after we yell a second time. The next time he says anything, we will probably end up with extra chores like making dinner.

Caleb opens his door and just glares at me. "Tris I was asleep." Caleb is either doing homework, or sleeping. I pull out my phone and check the time. It is only 7PM.

"Caleb it is only 7." I reply to his remark.

"Well I have a tour tomorrow." He says to me. Did he get the same letter I did?

"Did you sign me up for this?" I hold the paper in front of my face, so he knows what I'm talking about.

"Maybe. Anyway I know it is a good school and we need to go. It is only a couple of miles from here." Caleb says. I have no idea how he finds out about these strange schools that exist in the shadows of other schools. "You should come with me to the tour tomorrow morning. It is at 7. They are taking all the newcomers around the school."

"Caleb I like my school now. Why did you do this? You know mom and dad are going to make me do this, because they are all about our futures or whatever." I complain to him.

"Tris... I'm not talking about this right now. I need sleep" He walks back into his Caleb cave and closes the door. All he does is sleep, I don't understand why he needs to sleep now. 

"THANKS FOR THE HELP CALEB!" I shout at him. I know that he will not reply to that.

"Beatrice get down here and make dinner please." My father says from the kitchen. That is my punishment for yelling at Caleb. 

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I dish the chicken and peas onto the plates and carry them to the dinning room. My parents belive in the very healthy simple meals. We are a simple family. "DINNER!" I yell because I don't feel like walking across the whole house to tell them about dinner.

I slide into my seat just as my father walks in. "Tris how many times do I have to tell you this. No yelling." He pleads as he takes his seat.

My mother walks in second, then followed by Caleb. They both sit down and start eating. " How was your day Mom?" Caleb asks my mother. What a suck up he is.

"Well it was a busy day. How was it here?" She asks us before she takes a bite of chicken.

"Well, remember that school I signed up for?" Caleb asks. I drop my silverware on my plate with my mouth wide open. I ignore the glare that I get from my parents.

"Caleb! What is wrong with our school now?" I bark at him. "Just because you want to go to a special school means that I want to."

"Tris, Geeze I signed you up, because it is actually a good school. I wanted to go to the school and we couldn't be at two separate schools." Caleb calmly replies. I just stare at him with my mouth open still.

"Beatrice, dear, your going to catch flies. Close your mouth." My mother whispers to me.

I snap my head in her direction. "Just because he wants to go to a school, doesn't mean that I have to." I complain.

"A co-worker of mine works there." my father tells me. He is the head of the school district I go to now. "It is actually, the nicest school in the state. Couldn't you use a nice school, being that your grades are not that great."

"Dad! Don't you have to have nice grades to get into that school?" I ask him. I really don't want to go to this school.

"I was going to get you in either way. It just looks better that you got accepted." My father reasons with me. It looks like I don't have much of a choice now.

"I didn't even write the essay! It is not the honest thing to do. I can't walk into a school I never got accepted to." I reply. My parents are all about honesty, and doing the right thing. I can't believe that they would say that.

"Actually you did write the essay." Caleb tells me. That makes no sense at all. "I got onto your computer and printed one of your short stories. All the essay had to be about why you think you should be accepted. I just took the first paragraph saying that you were skilled in writing." Caleb tells me.

"CALEB! That is personal. I havn't even written a story in three years. Why would you ever go through my computer anyway?" I yell at him. I used to write these stories about a dystopian future three years ago. I stopped writing, because I lost interest. I can not believe he would go through my computer too.

"Beatrice you still got accepted into the school. I still want you to go to the tour." My father says. I just stare at him. I stand up and begin the march to my room. I love my parents, but they frustrate me to death sometimes. I am just not like them. Caleb is so perfect, and I can't be.

"We have to leave the house at 6AM!" I hear Caleb yell at me from the bottom of the stairs. I close my door and throw myself onto my bed. I just don't belong in my family. My values don't reflect what my parents want me to be. 

I reach my hand over to my alarm and set it to go off at 5:30. I hope that when I get there tomorrow they will change their mind and decide that they don't want me there. I stare at the ceiling for a while so I calm down and gain control of my temper.

Alternate Reality: Life in a High School (Divergent Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now