Chapter 41

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Happy Holidays Guys! I hope the holiday you celebrate is full of joy and happiness. 


Tobias POV: 

Flash back...

It all was the same. Same routine. Same Life. Same everything. Until, I knew. My life is a lie. I'm really Tobias Eaton. I'm from Chicago. The cloud in my brain was cleared when George had the news on one day. 

"Disaster in a Chicago High School. Gas Leak and Explosion. 7 reported dead." The news lady had said. 

"How depressing. I'm turning it off." George reaches for the remote. By this time, everything is falling into place. It feels like a pile of bricks hit me in the face. 

"No." I tell him. 

"Well." George starts, but I cut him off. 

"No!" I grab the remote. "I need to see this." 

I watch as fear washes over him. He knows I know, and he has messed up. Eric will kill him. 

The tv continues. "The only names that can be released are Tobias Eaton, and Zeke Pedrad. They were over 18." 

"No. no, no." I whisper. "You lied to me."  I point at George. 

"I was only doing what I was told." He puts his hands up. "I was being held against my will. Well, not at first." 

I fell the anger rush into my face. "When is Eric or the CDC man coming?" 

"This afternoon. You can still pretend. I don't think they will know." He closes his eyes. "I don't want to die." 

I think back to the night Evelyn left. It makes sense now. She knew this would happen, and I was overcoming whatever had happened to me. The night she left she left a box on my desk with a note that said, -for emergencies. 

"Evelyn knew." I mumble. "It will be okay. I have an idea, because Eric is a coward. I can get him away while you get to safety. You may have sucked George, but I'm done letting people die because of me." 

"Okay?" He watches me as I run upstairs to my room. I grab the box and open it. Inside is a gun. I take it out and inspect it. When I decide it is the real deal, I turn the safety and tuck it into the waistline of my pants. I race down stairs and stare at the dumbfounded George. 

"George go!" I tell him. "Get out of here. Get to safety." 

He gets up and grabs his phone and keys. "Where?" He stops in front of me. 

"Give me this." I take the phone out of his hands and rip the battery out. I drop it on the floor and step on it. "Anywhere but here. They will have trackers on your car. Take it to the nearest bus station and take a bus. You need to leave here." 

George nods and walks out. I pace around the living room before I walk into Georges office. I have sneaked in here enough times to know there is a compartment in his desk that has extra cash. I get the cash and run up to my room. I look in the box Evelyn left me and discover another note. -Under your bed 

I look under my bed to find a bullet proof vest. I throw it over my head and grab a bulky hoodie to try and conceal the vest. Then I wait. 

Eric came at around one. I open the door for him as he looks around as he waits for George to come. Little does he know, George is long gone. 

Alternate Reality: Life in a High School (Divergent Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now