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Malia's POV

Dinner came around and it was time to break the news to my sisters and get a 10 year lecture.

"So. Let's talk about everyone's pit and peek." Marissa said.

"Well. My pit was someone telling me I got a promotion when I really didn't so I was disappointed. My peek was coming home and laying in bed." Megan said.

"Rip." Mason said. "My pit was taking another test. Kill me. And my peek was... I really don't have one. This was such an ugly day."

It was my turn but I pretended it wasn't.


"Well... my peek was being able to stand up for myself for once."

"Oh man I know where this is going." Mason said.

"My pit was getting suspended for 5 days when Emily started the fight and I took the L."

"And this is where we all start arguing." he mumbled.

"Wait what?" Marissa set her fork down.

"She called me a skank. Said Grayson deserves better than me. Proceeded to slap me when I retaliated. Then we started fighting. And here we are, talking about our pit and peek and you about to give me a 10 year lecture."

"You're damn right you're getting a lecture. Malia. Suspension." Megan said.

"Hey. At least it wasn't expulsion." I raised my hand. "Also, I wasn't just gonna let her call me a skank and get away with it. It's unacceptable."

"Okay wait." Mason cleared his throat, "I walked out of the bathroom and Malia and Emily were walking to the principal's office. I asked what happened and people told me and I was like fuck. Then I proceeded to ask the twins what happened and they told me. But it was just my sister standing up for herself and I can't be mad at her for that. So can you guys like not be mad either? It's not like she wanted to fight. She was standing up for herself."

"Yeah. Other girls were talking mad shit so I called them out. I told them that if they have something to say then say it to my face I wasn't just gonna sit there and hear them talk shit about me."


Morgan's the oldest so the rule in the house has always been she makes the final decisions.

"You're grounded for the next 2 weeks."

I groaned. "Whatever. I'm finished with my meal. Thank you Marissa for your cooking tonight. Let me know when all of you are done eating so I can come back down to wash the dishes."

Grayson's POV

"Malia talk to you?"

"Not since Daniel picked her up."

He pat my back, "maybe she didn't wanna talk to anyone just so that she doesn't lash out on anyone. I mean, if I got suspended because I was defending myself, I'd be pissed too."

That's most likely what happened. I know her, she wouldn't just shut me– or anyone for that matter– out like this.

Me: you okay?

Pooman 🐻: yeah. Just got grounded tho. Fun :-))

Me: sorry for your loss
How long?

Pooman 🐻: two weeks 🙃

Me: does this mean I can't at least come over?
If you wanna hang soon

Pooman 🐻: well... she didn't establish whether or not I can have visitors 🤔

Me: I'd say let me sneak up to your room, bUT YOU LIVE ON THE FREAKING THIRD FLOOR

Pooman 🐻: and I'd say I'll see you tmrw but I'm not gonna be there for the next 5 days AND I'm grounded. So I'll see you the next time I see you and I'll talk to you tmrw or wheneva lmaooo

Me: good night. Sweet dreams ✨

Pooman 🐻: you too 😌♥️

I still feel bad that I didn't catch on to her tweet all those weeks ago and check in on her. She needed me. Regardless our relationship status, I should've checked in on her. I should've gone back to try to work things out. There are so many things I could've and should've done but I didn't. And now, I regret every single bit of it.

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