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Malia's POV

We made it back to the Dolan residence and I didn't realize how tired we were.

"We didn't even walk that far and yet we're tired." I said.

"Mal. We walked almost 6 miles."

"Well never mind then." I flopped onto the couch.

"Oh you guys are home early." Ethan walked downstairs.

"You're telling me, you've been home this whole time and you just ditched us."

"I got back from my date early."

"And you didn't think about picking us up or anything?" Grayson rolled his eyes.

"I assumed you'd already be back. But when I got home and you weren't, I thought you were at Malia's so I didn't think about picking you up."

"You could've called but whatever."

"Let's play that question game again."

"Ethan." I whined.

"The questions won't be that bad this time."

"'This time'."

"I will if you will." Grayson looked at me.

"Let's do this then. I wanna see what he has up his sleeve." I rubbed my hands together.

"Question #1: why did you get back together?"

"Because she said she loved me and misses me and I felt the same so."

"Boring." Ethan scoffed, "question #2: have you guys argued at all so far? If so, why?"


I cut Grayson off. I knew he was gonna go into details and specifics and we really don't need that.

"Yes, it was just post-relationship stuff." I kept it brief.

"Ugh. You guys I need tea."

"Well must suck to be you." I joked.


"RuDe. In our defense, these questions are boring." I said.

"You want intense? I'll give you intense." he smirked.

"Mal, what the hell did you just do?"

"We're about to find out."

"Question #3: what is the biggest secret you're still hiding from each other?"

"I personally am not hiding anything. The only thing I was hiding was the whole Jared thing."

"What I'm hiding will be worth the wait. I promise."

"Grayson. That is so suspicious. You're being so sketchy right now and it's scary."

Grayson's POV

We're 18 now. We've known each other for the longest time. So, I asked her family if it was okay with them if I could get Malia to move in with me. They said yes, so I started looking at apartments and everything.

I know what you're thinking, we're too young to be living together. But no one knows us better than us. I talked to my parents as well and they said they were iffy about it and if one little thing goes wrong, we're moving back to how it is now. Hopefully it all goes as planned.

She and I have been planning this thing out since we first dated... well... once everything started getting super serious. At the time, we were too naïve to do anything.

"I promise you, it'll be worth the wait."

"This is stressful."

I kissed her head, "chill."

"Ooooh. I forgot about that." Ethan said.

"You know too?"

"I was one of the first people he told."

"Guys this is so sus. I don't like it."

"Your birthday is in a few days. You'll see what I have up my sleeve then."

"If you know how much I hate surprises, why would you do this to me?"

Malia's POV

I'm not gonna keep whining about this.

"Because. This one is probably the biggest surprise you've ever gotten."


"Next question." Ethan quickly changed the topic.

I'm not done with this conversation yet.

"What is one thing you plan on doing this time around that you neglected to do last time?"

"Communicate better. That's what led to the breakup." Grayson said.

"You guys are so boring." he groaned, "was there anything you hid from each other prior to the breakup?"

Oh fuck...

"Both parties are quiet. This should be interesting."

I played with my sleeves, "I knew you were starting to distance yourself from me, but I didn't wanna say anything and force you to talk about it."


"I should get going. I'm suddenly tired." Ethan stood up.

"Wait, can I get my stuff out of your car?"

"Are you and Gray not going anywhere right now?"

"We just walked 6 miles, so no."

"You can take my car and drop her off later. I'm zawsted."

"Good night sleeping beauty." I joked.

I turned back to Grayson.

"I hope you know I'm not over this whole surprise thing."

"Of course you're not. Just wait it out."

"I need to know nOoOoooOoOw."

"Malia. Trust me."

"I'm fucking mortified." I laid down.

"Don't be." he laid beside me. "If you knew, why didn't you say anything?"

"Didn't wanna force you to talk about something that you weren't ready to talk about." I shrugged.

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