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Grayson's POV

I woke up the following morning and she was already changing. I groaned.

"Why'd you get up so early?" I rubbed my eyes.

"I always get up at this time. Come on. We can grab a quick breakfast on our way to school."

"Or we can just ditch today and go back Monday."

"Wow. Two months and you've become a rebel." she said sarcastically.

"We have an entire day to hang out."

"We have the weekend."

"Where's the thrill in that?"



"I just don't want them to call my siblings and have me get into more trouble."

"Blame it on me."

"They don't even know we're back together."

"Wait what?"

"It hasn't come up anywhere. Plus, I don't wanna hear them giving me an entire bowl of crap for getting back together with you."

"Do they seriously hate me that much?"

"You'd be surprised." she gave me a quick glance. "We're gonna be late to school."

"I refuse to get out of bed."

"Come on."

"But Mal. Let's go adventure."

"There's nowhere to adventure to."


"Okay like where?" she turned around and looked at me.

"We can walk around the forest. There's a bridge they just built by the lake to get us from one side to the other."

"Hmm... I really don't wanna go to school either. I'll call in and say I'm one of my sisters and boom, we're good."

"So rebellious."

"This ain't my first rodeo."

She punched in the numbers.

"Hi. This is Megan Prince calling in for my sister, Malia Prince. She's very ill today and won't be able to make it to school. Just wanted to let you know so that it's an excused absence not an unexcused one. Okay. Thank you."

"They actually believed it."

She shrugged. "You gonna call in before you die?"

"Hello, this is Sean Dolan. I just wanted to call in and inform you that my son, Grayson Dolan, is out sick today. So please excuse his absence. Okay thank you."

"Off to adventuring."

"Off we go."

"We have to be careful though. Take baby steps downstairs because I don't know who's still home."

We walked downstairs, literally one step at a time.

"Malia. Are you still home?" Megan yelled and walked our way.

"Go go go go." Malia whispered and we ran back upstairs.

I hid under her bed and Megan walked in.

"Get to school kiddo. You're gonna be late."

"Just looking for one of my assignments real quick."

"Why didn't you do that yesterday?"

Malia's POV

"I was too tired to." I shrugged.

"I'm going in to see Marissa now. I'll see you later." she turned around and walked out.

"Tell me how she's doing please."

"I think she's gonna be coming home either today or tomorrow, so don't miss dinner again."

"Got it."

I waited until the door shut to tell Grayson we're in the clear.

"We need to bolt to the car before anyone else sees us."

"Why are you bringing your bag?"

"To make it seem as if I'm really out at school in case they come in to check on me."

"What a smartie." he joked.

I drove us to "our spot" and we sat there for a while. Just being together in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. I sat in between Grayson's legs and leaned against his body as he held me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"The bridge I was talking about is over that way." he pointed.

"He pointed out as they remain sitting." I laughed.

"I think it's because of the fact that we haven't been properly hanging out at this spot the way we're suppose to. Recently, it's been: a flop picnic, a fucked up little 'meeting', and a short hangout session. It's not the same."

"Got me there. This isn't even adventuring as you said though."

"Do you really wanna get up and adventure while we're comfortable here?"

"Not really."

"Then don't complain." He kissed my cheek.


"Honestly, I'm glad you agreed to ditch school today. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Emily."

"You literally abandoned your brother."

"He has a girl now so."

"Does he really?"

"Not officially just yet, but they're getting there."

"Who's this mystery girl?"

"I don't even know myself."

"Imagine if he were lying."

"I believe it. It's about time though. The kid's been single for too long."

"Cut him some slack. Just cause you're in a relationship doesn't mean he has to be." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah. He just doesn't have the same game I do."

I looked at him and he winked.

"That was so ugly."

"You know that was funny."

"No, that was ugly."

"Remember I first tried to get at you? Those were the days man."

"No. They weren't. Your pickup lines were awful. What kind of pickup line is, 'if you were a carrot, you'd be a good carrot'? That was awful. Or, 'if you were a chicken, you'd be im-peck-able.'"

"I thought they were funny."

I shook my head.

"I am so underappreciated." he sassed.

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