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Malia's POV

I decided to meet him anyway. For the the very first time in my life, my palms hurt. Maybe it's the pressure from the bandages to stop the bleeding. I don't know, it just hurts.

"Thank you for meeting me."

I stayed quiet.

"Are your hands okay?" he noticed the bandages.

I didn't respond.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of this."

I turned facing the water, leaning my elbows on the railing.

"I don't have a reason to be mad. We weren't together. I just blew everything out of proportion. We weren't together and you were happy so I can't complain. I shouldn't have blown up on you the way I did."

He turned me toward him.

"Look at me. I should've gone forward and tell you what happened these past two months. You told me the truth and it would've only been fair if I had told you the truth then too. I'm sorry I didn't."

I looked down at my hands, "it's okay."

"But are we?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"This just put a strain on our relationship. I don't know what to do." I said. "I don't know how to feel."

"We can work this out together. We're gonna get through this."

"Like I said, I had no reason to be mad. We weren't together. We weren't 'on a break' like Ross and Rachel were. You were doing you and I was doing me."

"It's okay." he kissed my forehead. "We're okay."

"We just got back together and we already had a bad fight." I sighed.

"We've had worse fights than this. It's okay."

"But you realize we're gonna have to find a new spot right?"

"Definitely." he looked around. He took my hand and walked in the opposite direction of where our spot used to be.

"This'll be it. Right by the water." he said as we sat down.

"It's a soothing sound."

"Our day of adventure went wrong in so many ways."

"Let's not get back into that."

"Being in that relationship, it just didn't feel right. Well, it wasn't a relationship. It was a f–"

"Fling. I know. Can we just move past it? I don't wanna argue about it again."

"I think our worst argument was when I accused you of cheating on me." he said.

"We didn't talk to each other for an entire week."

"Yeah and it sucked."

"Imagine if we had just given up on our relationship when that happened." I said. "We'd look so stupid. 'Oh yeah. We ended it because I thought she was cheating on me. No big deal.'"

"Okay, first of all, I do not sound like that whatsoever. Second, people would've called us stupid and say something like, 'you gave up your relationship because of a false accusation? Y'all are so dumb. Truly ridiculous.'"

I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad we didn't."

"If you think about it now, half of our fights were so stupid. We fought over where to eat. Like... what the hell? It wasn't a relationship threatening argument but it was still bad."

"Nothing in our relationship was worse than your pickup lines. Even once we started dating, you still hit me with some pickup lines."

"You know what's the best weed?" he smirked.

"Here we go." I rolled my eyes.

"When I'm weed you." he laughed.

"They're still so ugly."

"Can you light my cigarette?"

"You don't even smoke."

"Because you're on fire."

He grabbed me and had me lay down with him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I pecked him. "We better get going. Morgan's cooking dinner. Marissa's being released today."

He got up and we started walking toward the parking lot.

"I'll text you later. And if you try to sneak into my house and sleepover again, I'm going to end you."

"All talk."

"True." I pecked him once more, "bye."

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