three | happenstance

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okay I'm done fangirling LOL here's chapter three yooo



Hell Day.

What I like to call every second Saturday of the month. Our beloved monthly evaluations. I'm pretty sure all the other trainees have their own versions of what they like to call today.

To calm my nerves, I went to a corner of the dance studio and quietly practiced the choreography. While waiting for the evaluators, some decided to stretch and others did vocal warm-ups.

All of the sudden, the dance studio's door swung open to reveal Mr. Lee trailed by the usual people who evaluated us. Just when the door was about to close, we were greeted by YG sajangnim himself.

Because of YG's sudden appearance, every trainee stopped what they were doing and bowed. This was YG's first time attending our monthly evaluation, everyone was as confused as I was.

"I will be deciding the final line-up for the new girl group today. Do your best."


That was probably the worst Hell Day I have ever experienced in my life. The way YG sajangnim's calculating eyes watched every detail of our performances will forever be planted in my mind. Just the mere memory of it is making me shudder.

And I thought Mr. Lee was bad.

Right after the evaluations, instead of going straight home, I chose to buy fried chicken to surprise the girls. The restaurant was within walking distance anyway. The day may have started hellish, but we didn't have to end it that way.

After buying food, I stepped outside and felt the cool summer afternoon. On my way back, a mob of giddy teenage girls rushed past me. Because of their carelessness, a few of them bumped into my shoulder.

"Ah! Sorry, unnie!" One of the girls quickly apologized. I nodded in understatement.

"Ya! Sohee, hurry! I think I saw him around the corner!" One of her friends screamed. With that said, Sohee—the girl who just apologized—left.

"Omo! I can't believe I'm finally going to see a celebrity!" Was the last thing I heard before the girls disappeared.

Ah... No wonder they were acting so excited.

Carrying on my way, I took a different path to my dorm to take more advantage of the great weather. I decided to walk to a nearby park.

I closed my eyes feeling the cool breeze and also marveled the lush trees. The walk was pretty normal until I saw I a funny figure trying to hide behind a tree.

As I approached closer, the man's backside became more and more familiar.

"Justin-ssi? What are you doing?" I asked lightheartedly. He quickly faced me looking like a deer caught in headlights. After realizing my identity, his eyes darted around to check his surroundings.

"Lisa-ssi! Erm... Nothing—just checking out this tree you know?" He started patting the tree trunk trying to back-up what he said. I chuckled at his poor attempt to do so.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked, genuinely curious about his sudden appearance. It has been a little over a week since our last encounter.

"Ahh... about that." He scratched his head sheepishly.

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