thirty one | umbrella

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"Annyeong~ You've reached JJK's phone... 

Sorry I can't answer your call right now! 

Just leave a message!"

His familiar sing-song voicemail recording played through my phone for the seventh time that day — well, ever since I got my cell back. "And... Still no answer."

It was only when Manager-unnie showed up in my hospital room that I was told that it has been three days since I woke up. After showing no complications since then, I was deemed healthy enough by my doctor to go home. 

"Has it actually been three days?" I thought to myself after getting into the company's van. 

It felt like one ongoing limbo of just watching the sky turn light to dark. With no contact with outside world during my stay, everything else felt like torture with only the news of Jungkook and Eunha dating occupying my mind.

Sitting at the back nearest to the window, another manager was tasked to drive while Sangwon-unnie was seated at the passenger's seat.

After the second day of knowing about the news, I was finally able to handle to see the pictures 'Dispatch' have taken. There was only a few images but it seemed conclusive to anyone who saw it. 

There was a photo taken of them at coffee shop which I remembered because I ran into them that time. But they weren't dating at that time... Jungkook assured me...

The picture the media seemed to use the most was Jungkook and Eunha in close proximity about to hug each other backstage. Based on what Jungkook was wearing, it was during one of BTS's comeback promotions. The narrative they were pushing was that Eunha has always been the supportive girlfriend this whole time.

"There must be another explanation..." I muttered while staring at the clear blue sky outside the van. "I can't always jump to my own conclusions..."

I have to talk to him at least once...

"What was that, Lisa?" Sangwon-unnie asked staring at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Ah! Aniyo..." Surprised that she heard me, I was about to raise my hands to politely dismiss her worries but a sudden idea caused me to change my mind. "Actually... Unnie, can you do me a favour."

Piquing her interest, she retreated her gaze from to mirror and turned around to face me.

Initially, I was taken aback by her pensive expression.

"Are you about to ask if you can see Jungkook?"

I steadily nodded while preparing myself for her lecture.

"YG Sajangnim gave us orders to have you back in your dorms safely — which is code word for no unnecessary detours." She said in a strict voice. "Besides Lisa, you already saw the articles... Do you still need to see him?"

Hearing her explanation, I hung my head down low. Not ready to give up yet, I stared back at her. 

"B-but, Sangwon-unnie! Before my accident we were fine, then after over a week he gets wrapped in this scandal. I'm so confused!" Suddenly, the tears I thought ran dry on Taehyung's shoulder started to come out. "J-Just this once... All I need are answers."

Seeing my tears, I saw my unnie face soften slightly. Instead of giving me an outright response, she went back to staring at the traffic ahead. Realizing that silence was her way of saying 'no' to me, I followed her example and opted to gaze back at the moving cars.

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