fourteen | together

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A/N: I know y'all hate me for not updating soon enough after the last chapter... but heeeey at least chapter 14's up hahaha



Justin? As in the guy, I met at the bus and fell for?... The one guy that still plagued my memories that I can't seem to move on from?


And now Jungkookthe person who kept playing and confusing my feelings, is claiming to be him?

Jeon JungkookBTS's golden maknae and Justin Seagullsome masked ex-convict looking guy, the same person?


Ani! He's kidding! It can't be!

Mistaking him for Justin before was just my mind playing tricks! And everyone can have the same Gucci wallet too. Also, the familiarity I felt around him was just me missing Justin!



"Lisa!" The guy in front of me screamed to catch my attention. I must've looked like a crazed woman silently spazzing out because of the erratic thoughts contained in my head.

Recovering from getting lost in my headspace momentarily, I looked up to face Jungkook patiently waiting for my response. After seeing his deep brown eyes stare back at me intently once again, everything clicked.

I should've known the moment I saw his eyes.

"H-how long—" I silently cursed at myself for stuttering at a time like this. I cleared my throat and fought through the overwhelming sinking feeling in my chest. "How long were you going to keep me in the dark and continue making a fool out of me?"

"Huh? Lisa, You're taking it the wrong way!" He replied immediately, surprised by the hurt lacing my voice. He looked down for a moment deep in thought, until he gazed back up. "You have to understand! You broke it off first, I thought you forgot about me—"

"But clearly, you realized I didn't. Since you kept toying me around despite being fully aware of everything." Suddenly feeling my eyes feel heavy with tears, I tried to hold it back. I felt a lump in my throat as I started to speak again. "You tricked me, Justi—Jungkook or whatever you want to be called."

"If you just let me explai—"

Wanting to leave as soon as possible, I ran out of the janitor's closet—quickly enough that Jungkook didn't get the chance to stop me. Just as I left, Rosé—who was quietly discussing with Jimin outside beforehand, followed my fleeing figure.


"Aren't you two awfully quiet?" Jisoo remarked as she noticed the heavy silence surrounding the backseat of the van. Seating at the second row with Jennie, she turned around to look at Chaeng and me with concern.

"I'll explain later." Rosé silently mouthed to the older girl while I continued to look out the window glumly. Finally getting the feel of the situation, Jisoo went back to face the front.

Did I overreact? Should I have listened to him? I did tell him to forget about me with no reason...

Watching the passing buildings outside, my thoughts drifted back to earlier. I must admit, my emotions did get the better of me. Even I was surprised on how irrational I acted. But what do you expect when a huge revelation like that suddenly got dropped on you?

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