thirty five | favours

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The term 'sad' sounds so childish. Like it was something so flimsy that one should be able to cast off after one happy smile. 

This 'sad' was nothing of the sort of what I feel. It sits like a deep-rooted seed of depression, finding the right environment and condition to flourish. Taking root at my core, I lay in bed not knowing what else to do.

It was last night when the news of me and Eunha's alleged relationship. I didn't need to go on the internet to know exactly when articles went live — my phone just blew up to the point I needed to turn it off.

You had no choice, Jungkook... I tried to convince myself.

Just remembering the look of acceptance and understanding my BTS members showed me when I told them beforehand, it made me feel even worse. The scandal definitely didn't only affect me but also them.

"If only I was a bit more careful, I would have prevented the people I care about to be hurt." 

Tossing to the other side of the bed, I pulled my blanket tighter.

"I hope Jungkook is alright..." I overheard Jimin express his concerns. The thin walls bared no secrets within my bandmates. "Has anyone talked to him at all?"

"I know Bang-PD has." Namjoon-hyung replied. 

"What's going to happen from this point on?" Jimin asked.

"The company will release a statement to deny the rumours."

When Bang-PD came in to talk to me about the scandal, instead of getting a lecture or recieving disciplinary actions, he listened to my story first. Compared to YG Sajangnim, BigHit's CEO exuded with compassion.

I almost came out scotch-free. Though, there was some damage that I'm willing to take responsibility for. 

Just as long Lisa is alright...

Snapping me out of my thoughts. Someone knocked on my door. Not waiting for my response, the person peeked through the small crack.

"Taehyung." I greeted him, which he took as an invitation to my room.

He smiled at me. "How have you been holding up?"

"I must look so bad lately because that's the question I keep hearing lately." I got up from my bed. "What's up?"

"Lisa just woke up." Tae watched my features contour to a look of worry. "She's probably going to want to see you."

"Aish... Honestly, God knows how much I want to see her but I can't..." I ruffled my hair in defeat. "I can't even begin to imagine what she would feel once she sees the articles..."

Seeing my distress, Taehyung laid his arm around my shoulder for comfort. He didn't say anything else, because he knew there wasn't an ultimate solution to take my problems away.

"Kook, If there's anything I could do to help with anything, I'm here." 

Before considering his offer, I was taken aback by how genuine his eyes were. Convinced, I complied.

"Hyung... Can you just be there Lisa when she finds out about me Eunha..." I requested. "Even if I can't be there, at least you are."

"Don't worry too much, Jungkook. I got it."

Swiftly, I watched my friend, leave my room.


She didn't take it very well.

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