fifteen | meridiem

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A/N: It's already snowing here at my place and I'm kinda sad bc that means I'll be bussing to work/school in -30 weather soon!! Ugh oh wells... that's mother nature for ya. AHHA w/o further ado, here's chapter 15 my friends!



11:17 PM

Still trying to tame all my senses because of what happened previously, I keenly watched the time on the bus's screen display. Because of the late hour, the only passengers present was an old guy, me and the sleeping brown-haired boy. He had his head resting on his guitar that was placed between us.

Much to Jungkook's dismay, he initially prepared the spot right next to him for me to take. But feeling sheepish right after what happened at the park, I ended up sitting next to the instrument, creating the much-needed barrier for me to recover.

Thankfully, he was too tired to protest and was instantly knocked out the moment our transport started moving again.

Taking in his slightly parted mouth and the soft sounds of his sighs, I was still in disbelief that I was actually sitting beside the same person I met over a year ago. He was always the boy behind the mask. 

I'm still having a hard time grasping the idea that Jungkook was, in fact, the same guy who I met through many accidental occurrences that we ended up becoming significant figures in each other lives—even after parting ways.

I used to think that fate was too fickle to take seriously, but here I was—bussing home with Jungkook like the first time we crossed each other's paths.

Thankfully, we finally cleared each other's misunderstandings. Him explaining that he acted on the impression that I forgot about him completely and me, cutting ties because of my debut and YG.

YG sajangnim...

Because of the CEO crossing my mind, I suddenly felt his ominous presence. Starting to feel paranoid, I mistook the ajhussi seated in front of me to be YG himself. Relieved that it was just my eyes playing tricks, I calmed down.

If YG made me cut ties when he only knew about Jungkook under the guise of a non-celebrity... How much trouble would I be being with him right now?

Is he worth the risk?

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook all of a sudden whispered into my ear, sending tingles down my spine. I must've been so deep in thought not to notice him wake up and switch seats with his guitar.

"Oh, nothing!" I replied hastily while I slightly backed away. Fortunately, he merely sent me a questioning stare and didn't pry further.

"So..." He started after the brief silence. "Is today our first day?" Shocked by his statement, I instantly turned to face him. I was greeted by Jungkook expectingly grinning ear to ear.

"Ya! Jeo—" He instantly cupped my mouth to prevent me from screaming his name.

"I know there are only two other people on this bus, but let's try our best not blow our covers." He whispered playfully, immediately shutting me up. Deciding that I already calmed down enough, he lifted his hand off my face.

"You need to stop doing that!" I replied the moment my lips were free. "As I was saying, No. I am not an easy woman! I deserve at least ten dates before that happens."

"Mwo! That many? Why?"

"Why are surprised? Am I not worth the effort to woo?" I curtly replied while I crossed my arms.

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