twenty three | tête à tête

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A/N: Merry Christmas y'all! <3

Previously on Love at First Stop:

After making amends, Jungkook and Lisa are left to enjoy their second date together before they get picked up by Jennie. But what happens if the YG Princess shows up accompanied by a certain spitfire rapper?



"Ugh! I think I'm about to pass out... Isn't this the tenth ryokan we've checked today?" Yoongi screamed in frustration while brushing his fingers through his hair. Still unaware of my presence and Lisa's, he glared at the girl beside him.

"You're such a drama queen, this is only our fourth one." Jennie retorted.

Because of her remark, something riled up inside the man and looked at her unblinkingly. "This is all your fault! I swear... If Jungkook's not here, I won't hesitate to leave your cute ass here."

"My fault?" Jennie-ssi huffed in annoyance while she whipped her shades off her face. "You showed up at my hotel room at 3 AM unwelcomed demanding for your maknae! I'm already kind enough to bring you here—despite your difficult attitude! So pardon me if I may have forgotten the slip of paper of where I wrote down the address!"

"Ya! Y-you... Yo-"

"Yoongi hyung... What are you doing here?" I decided to butt in before an actual physical fight broke out between the two. Sending one last heated glare towards the brunette, he faced me.

"Oh, Jungkookie!" He singsonged while walking towards me with his gummy smile. Weirded out by his behavior, I kept backing up until my foot caught on a rock.

With Yoongi hyung right before me, the remnant of his happy facade earlier was long gone and was soon replaced by a grim expression. Before I even got the chance to swallow my spit because of nervousness, he raised his hand and grabbed my right ear and twisted it.

I screamed in pain as he kept turning my ear that I was convinced I'd be the next Van Gogh. After a few torturous seconds, he let go of my still intact but swollen ear. "YA! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"That's for being an irresponsible little brat disappearing without any notice right before our concert with Seo Taiji." He replied all in one breath. "I'd hurt you much more because of being forced to pick you up... But I wouldn't want to do that in front of a lady and her uncivilized friend."

Jennie realizing his last words was a hit meant for her, she charged towards Yoongi hyung causing the older to hide behind me in fear. Fortunately, Lisa was quick enough to hold her back.

"Oh, right... The concert's tonight..." I laughed nervously as I felt cold sweat drip from my forehead. Right before a puddle pooled on my spot, Mr. and Mrs. Yamazaki appeared.

"Ah! You must be Jungkook and Lisa's friends!" Mr. Yamazaki exclaimed in broken English. He approached the four of us with a welcoming smile. His wife followed right behind him and handed me and Lisa two bundles of clothes.

"I got your clothes cleaned and folded." Mrs. Yamazaki said.

"Thank you so much!" I thanked her with Lisa.

"It's no problem! It's the least I could do to help out after what happened between you two last night." As she finished, her cheeks reddened as if recalling something embarrassing.

Huh? What does she mean?

"Yeah... We got so many complaints about loud screaming coming from your room." Mr. Yamazaki coined in while simultaneously elbowing my side teasingly.

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