thirty three | hidden truths

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previously in chapter 28:

"AISH! WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND IS TRYING TO CALL ME RIGHT NOW!" I screamed out of frustration while the phone continued to ring. Finally noticing the caller ID, my eyebrows furrowed after seeing Jisoo-ssi's name.

"Hello! Jisoo-ssi, what's u—"

"JUNGKOOK PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE WITH HER!" She instantly cut off. Sensing the urgency coming from the other line, a panic within me was starting to rise.

"Lisa? W-what do you mean? I'm with Jin hyung and them!" After my reply, I heard muffled sounds of hysteria on the other line, probably from the rest girls. "Jisoo noona, calm down! W-what's happening."

"Lisa is missing... We think she's hurt." And my fingers lost its strenght causing the phone to fall to the ground.

Just as she uttered her words, an immediate heavy depression fell upon my chest. As if everything moving in slow motion, the white noise I was hearing wasn't helping my situation at all.

In a state of shock, I failed to notice the new presence in the room. Placing his and on my shoulder to face me, he equally matched my distraught state.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung phrased barely audible. "I hope you can forgive me."


2017, DAJEON


After ending Jisoo-ssi's phone call that was followed by Taehyung's suspicious words, My impulsive nature kicked in. Seeing him, I immediately grabbed a hold of his collar and rage radiated through my body

"WHERE IS SHE!" I yelled at his face, ignoring the staff trying to pull us apart. "WHY DO I NEED TO FORGIVE YOU?"

The sounds of the SBS Inkigayo Super Concert's sounds dissolved and the only thought in my mind was the words I just heard.

"J-Jungkook, chill! Who's missing?" Seeing Taehyung's confused eyes, the anger I was feeling was slowly dissipating. "Give me time to explain!"

Complying to his words, I let go of my his shirt.

"Damn... Jungkook, I think you need to lay off with working out." Taehyung rubbed his neck. Seeing the mild red mark on his neck, I started to feel guilty of my overreaction. "I confessed to Lisa —"

"MWO?" Perturbed by his statement, my immediate reaction was to grab his collars again but this time Taehyung was anticipating it and scurried away from me.

"YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH!" Tae yelled while in a defensive stance. "I did it to end my feelings with her."

Unsatisfied with his incomplete explanation, I was still confused as to why he confessed to Lisa when all my hyungs are aware of my feelings towards her — but that's an issue I'll tackle much later on since there are more pressing matters.

"Tae... We'll talk about it later." I told him after calming down. "Can you tell me the last time you were with Lisa?"

"The rooftop. She might be there still." Taehyung replied. Before he could ask my intentions, I left BTS's changing room.

Zooming pass the consequent doors, I disregarded the confused stares of other idols who saw me. Thankfully, this year's Super Concert already reached its conclusion, that the hallways were free of staff due to the fact that most of them were busy with clearing the stage.

Having found the exit at the end of the hallway, I quickly climbed all the way up to the rooftop. Fortunately, the building didn't have many floors that I promptly got to the top. Arriving there, I only saw an empty area.

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