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Liza and Ed had gotten into a fight. Not a big one. But sadly, anytime something bad happens between them, Ed gets drunk. Very drunk. He had gone to the pub, alone, and had at least 10 too many drinks. He walked around dazed, and even though he couldn't think straight, he knew not to drink anymore or else he'd throw up. He fumbled around, touching some things he wasn't supposed to on the way out the door. He couldn't see, think, or even walk straight, but he managed to pick up a cab. He began acting up and swearing and the driver kicked him out. He threw the door open in drunk frustration and slammed it shut. Then it started to rain. He normally would've cared......if he was sober.

A couple hours later, Ed opened the door to his home. He looked around and saw Liza sitting on the couch. He smiled up at her,
"Well hullo, pretty lady." He said, slurring his words.
Liza stood up and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're fucking drunk again Ed."
Ed pouted and pushed out his bottom lip.
"No....." he said.
"Yes the fu....yes you are Ed." Liza raised her voice. "Ed, I have told you a thousand times that it is completely unacceptable to get drunk every time something doesn't go your way!" She was almost screaming at him.
Normally she wouldn't be too upset, but it was past 3:00 in the morning and she had spent the last two hours crying for him on the couch.
"Liza! I'm a grown man! You can't control me!" Ed shouted sternly.
He briskly walked towards her and furrowed his brows. The light had disappeared from his eyes. They looked...cold.
"Ed?" Liza said frightened.
"You think you can just tell me what to do yeah?!" He shouted in her face, spit flying out of his mouth as he snarled.
"Ed what the hell calm down!" Liza said completely terrified, backing away from him.
Even though he was only 5'8 he still towered over Liza who was only 5'1.
"Sometimes you need to learn when to mind your own damn business." He said grabbing her shoulder.
"Ah! Ow Ed that hurts! What has gotten into you?!" He eyes widened because as she said this, he threw her to the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her.
"Ed stop!"
"Shut it!" He screamed.
Liza scrambled to get up and rushed away from him.
"Where the hell do you think you're going you little bitch?!" He shouted.
Liza's mouth must've dropped to the floor.
"What did you just call me?" She said in astonishment.
"I called you a little bitch!" He screamed.
"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you but you'd better-"
She was cut off because before she could react, Ed's hand stiffened and he slapped her across the face sending her tumbling to the ground.
Liza stayed there, her back facing him, and brought her hand up near her eye. She brought it back down and looked at her fingers. They were stained with blood. Liza used the counter to hoist herself up. She slowly turned around. Her eyes were red and puffy and there were tears. They spilled over and she shoved past him to the door. She snatched up her keys and ran to the car. She drove for hours until she reached the hotel where she and Ed first met. She booked a room and slumped into the bed, crying.

The next day she woke up and checked her phone.
*37 missed calls from Teddy💕*
Liza frantically grabbed at her phone and went to contacts.
*37 missed calls from Ed*
She felt better after changing his name in her phone.
Her phone began to vibrate.
*incoming call from Ed*
Liza pressed and held the power button.
*slide to power off*
She shoved the powered off phone in the nightstand drawer and walked down to the lobby.
As she reached the dining room, everyone she passed stopped and stared. An old woman made the sign of the cross and put her hands together in contrition while staring at Liza wide-eyed. Liza was confused and walked by a group of women whispering hastily to each other while looking at her. Liza pivoted on her heel and walked back to the elevator. She went back to her room and looked in the mirror. She gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth. Her eyes began to water. The right side of her face was swollen and purple along with a deep cut next to her eye, probably from Ed's ring. She looked down at her left hand and grabbed hers. She looked at it before throwing it across the floor. She looked back up at her reflection and sobbed. She brought her knees up to her chest as she sank to the floor and broke down.

After a while, she took out her phone and turned it on.
*103 missed calls from Ed*
*103 voice mails*
Liza decided to listen to one voice mail. She pressed the play button, rolling her eyes.
"Liza?" Ed sniffled. His voice broke and Liza could tell he was crying. "Liza where are you?" He sobbed. "I don't remember anything. All I know is that I woke up and....and you were gone and your car was too. Was it me? Oh who am I kidding? Whatever I did I'm so sorry baby. Please call me when you get the chance." He hung up as a sob escaped his lips.
Liza's eyes were full of tears.
No. I can't care. You saw what he did to you.
Liza thought to herself.

Liza spent the next two days in her room and didn't come out at all. She ordered room service 3 times a day. Suddenly the landline phone rang.
"Hello?" She said, thinking it was the front desk or someone calling to day her credit card was denied because hotel food is outrageously expensive.
"Liza!" Ed shouted into the phone.
Liza resisted the urge to hang up.
"Liza, Jesus, am I relieved to hear your voice. I thought you'd be there."
"What do you want." She said sternly.
Liza could practically feel Ed's smile diminish through the phone.
"Are you mad at me baby?"
Liza laughed with a smirk on your face.
"No....no I'm not mad." She said sarcastically.
"My husband only came home drunk for the fifth night in a row last night and abused me."
Ed gasped.
"I did?! Oh my god Liza. I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you."
"Well, ya did." Liza said slamming the phone back into place, hanging up.

Ed pulled the phone away from his ear and dropped it. He crumbled to his knees and covered his face with one hand as he sobbed.

Liza was awoken from her slumber by a knock on her door. She walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. It was Ed. He had actually driven 12 hours from California to come get her. Wow. Liza unlocked the bolt and turned around so her back was to him as he threw the door open and threw his arms around her waist. She didn't budge, nor did she hug back.
"Liza I'm..." his sentence fell short as she turned to face him.
He stared in disbelief at the damage he had done. His mouth dropped open and tears spilled over the edge of his eyes. Liza cried too.
Ed threw his arms around her and they sobbed into each others shoulders. They walked out the door hand-in-hand and drove home.
"I will never hurt you again." Ed whispered.
He kept his promise and he never drank again either.

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