Meeting The S-Class Wizards

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I followed Juvia over to a table with six seats, four already filled. She sat next to an angry looking man, leaving me to sit between her and a man wearing a blindfold. "Guys," Juvia began. "This is Y/N L/N. She's our newest guild member and has powers over ice. She recently discovered her powers, though, so she can't control them very well, which you all saw when she froze Master Jose's hand to a pillar." The angry looking man was the first to speak.

"Nice. I like you already. I'm Gajeel Redfox, an Iron Dragon Slayer." His appearance was intimidating. He had long, spiky black hair that stopped just above his butt, and dark red eyes that swept over me, seeming to never miss a thing. His skin was tan and smooth, which made his piercings stand out a lot. He had iron studs down the sides of his nose, over his eyes in place of eyebrows, down his chin, and along his ears. He wore a sleeveless, black cloak edged with silver and iron studs. A silver belt cinched the cloak at the waist, revealing white pants and black boots under the cloak. An iron stud fastened what looked like an oversized crow wing to the right side of the cloak and I could see the black Phantom Lord guild mark on Gajeel's left shoulder. I nodded at Gajeel in acknowledgement before turning towards a tap on my shoulder.

"I am Aria. I have Air powers." His hand was extended for a handshake, so I firmly shook his hand. He was bizarre looking. He didn't seem to have any hair, I couldn't see his eyes, since he had a strip of white cloth over them and his skin was a dark tan color. He wore a dark green cloak, the same color as his top hat, with light purple accents on either side, and a dark yellow stripe down the middle. He had a strange yellow thing wrapped around his neck with white dots down one side. He was also wearing a navy blue skirt and peach colored boots, an odd outfit choice.

"Hello Y/N. I'm Totomaru. My magic is power over the element of Fire." I turned towards the voice and was met with a boy. He had short hair pulled up in a ponytail, half white and half black. His eyes were black, which matched a black stripe that was on his face, across his nose. His skin was pale, which made his features stand out even more. He was wearing a bright orange cloak with red fur around the collar and gray netting down either side. The cloak's sleeves were rolled up to the boy's elbows, showing that he was wearing fishnets on his arms. He wore a black turtleneck, black pants, and black boots under the cloak which only came up to his knees. I smiled at him and turned to the last person.

"What's your name?" He messed with his mustache.

"Sol. I use Earth magic." I eyed him warily; he seemed... Off. He had green hair that stuck straight up off his head and matched his mustache that stuck straight out to either side. His eyes were small and colorless, a dark red monocle framing the right one. His skin was pale and seemed smooth, but I couldn't tell. He wore a burnt orange suit that had spikes coming from the back of the collar. He had a dark red tie that completely clashed, black boots, and a black sash attached to the elbows of his suit that draped behind him. I looked at each of the wizards. They seemed... Strong. Juvia finally spoke.

"So, we're going to be some of your allies in battle. I use Water magic, and my body is 100% water, which means physical attacks cannot hurt me." I took a deep breath.

"You guys all seem so powerful." Totomaru grins.

"Well, of course we would. We're S-Class wizards, the best of the best." My mouth fell open in shock. S-Class wizards?! I was at a table with five of the best wizards in Phantom Lord. I couldn't even control my powers yet and these wizards, who seemed only slightly older than me, were the best in this guild. I instinctively tugged at my shirt to hide the guild mark on my chest. I didn't belong here. Juvia stood and grabbed my arm, so I stood with her.

"I'm going to help Y/N learn how to control her magic," Juvia said before leading me outside. The S-Class wizards stayed silent as I left.

Crap, I thought. Fitting in was going to be hard.

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