How Could You?

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     I was walking back from a long mission. I took it solo, which may not have been the best idea, but I didn't get hurt, so it went pretty well. I was almost at the guild hall anyway, so even if I had gotten hurt, I could've just walked back. But the mission did take four days straight, so I was excited to see everyone again, especially my girlfriend, after just three, . I smiled at the thought of her. Red hair, brown eyes, soft skin. Perfect. I picked up my pace a bit in my eagerness to hug Erza once more. I pushed the guild hall doors open. "Guys! I'm ba-" My words caught in my throat. My eyes were drawn to Erza, as usual. But my eyes normally were not drawn to Lucy. Lucy and Erza. Kissing. I gasped in shock. "E-Erza???" She pulled away quickly.
     "Y/N! Um, listen, it's not what it looks like!" She reached for me, but I stepped back.
     "Oh really?! Then tell me, why were you kissing that... that whore?!" Lucy decided to interject.
     "I'm not a whore!"
     "SHUT UP!!!" I screamed, noticing ice shards flying in every direction. Erza seemed to notice them too.
     "Y/N, please. Look, it's not her fault, okay? It's mine. It's my fault. If you want to be mad at someone, I'm the one you should be mad at. Ok? I'm the one who technically cheated, so please don't be angry with Lucy."
     "Oh, I'm pissed at both, but less at you. Because I should've known it was too good to be true. I should've recognized it. You don't love me. Lucy should know not to kiss someone's girlfriend, you should know not to kiss her, but I should know not to trust anyone but myself. Don't even talk to me, Erza. We're done." I turned and walked out the doors, keeping my cool. The doors closed behind me and I ran home to break down alone.

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