Three Years Later

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     I fiddled with the box in my pocket. This was it. Today was the day. I sighed, looking around for Erza. Where could she be? I adjusted my suit jacket. And how the hell did Mira talk me into wearing a suit today? I was already sweating, although, the suit probably had nothing to do with it. I heard the doors of the guild hall open and the strum of a guitar. That would be my cue. I jumped down from the S-class wizards floor. Instantly, my eyes were drawn to Erza as hers were drawn to me. I smiled and walked over, kissing her softly. "Erza, I have something to tell you." She nodded.
     "What is it?" I sighed nervously.
     "Erza, since the day I first met you, I loved you. You stood out from the rest. Maybe it was your fiery hair or your deep brown eyes or the waves of power radiating off of you. Either way, I was drawn to you. That first mission we did, I know you were only there to ensure I wasn't a Phantom Lord spy. But then I risked my life for you. Because I saw the girl I loved about to get hurt. I didn't think. I just acted. And in the end, we both lived. When I found out Jellal had taken you, I panicked. I went straight to the Tower of Heaven with no preparation to face Jellal. I killed him and felt nothing. I was scared that day. Not for my life, but for yours. I was afraid that you would die. And we've had fights and arguments, but we always get better. Hell, we've even broken up once. But over the years, I've realized something. I can't live without you. So, will you make me the happiest girl alive and marry me?" I kneeled and pulled out a silver ring with a sapphire stone. Above my head, Levy used Solid Script magic to write "MARRY ME?" Erza smiled, tears streaming down her face, and whispered one word.

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