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I stepped into the guild hall and looked around. It was HUGE, even bigger than Phantom Lord. There were tables and chairs, booths, an upstairs, a bar, and even a stage! I stared in awe at the massive guild hall before I was snapped out of it by a voice. "Who are you?" I turned towards the owner of the voice. He was tall, much taller than me, with dark blue-ish black hair, the same color eyes, pale skin, and... No shirt. Or pants. Or shoes. He was literally just standing there wearing a sword necklace and boxers. Huh. Interesting. I noticed a dark blue guild mark on his chest. It looked much less intricate than the Phantom Lord mark I bore on my chest. Luckily, mine was covered by my shirt.

"I'm Y/N," I responded cautiously. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt? Or pants?" The guy looked down and suddenly, a look of surprise crossed his face as he cried out.

"Ah!! This always happens!! I just had them on!" I smiled slightly at his amusing reaction. He looked up at me. "Could I borrow your shirt?" I was shocked speechless. I had more to cover than him! But the shirt I was wearing would fit him... And it'd be funny. I grinned and took of my shirt, holding it out to him.

"Sure." He reached for the shirt, seeming startled.

"Really?! Nobody ever lets me borrow their-" He cut himself off. I looked at him, wondering why he stopped speaking. I followed his gaze to my chest, but before I yelled at him for being a pervert, I realized what he was staring at. The Phantom Lord guild mark on my chest. Uh oh. My eyes met his and we both screamed out spells at the same time. "ICE MAKE CANNON!!!"

"ICY WALL!!!" A wall of ice shot up from the floor between me and the guy as a cannon made from ice formed in his hands. We stared at each other through the wall of ice. I couldn't believe it. He used ice magic too?! I lowered my wall and stepped closer to him. He aimed the cannon at my head, so I quickly threw up my hands in surrender. "Peace! I don't want to fight!" He glared at me, obviously doubting every word I said.

"Then why did you put up that wall?" I sighed.

"I saw you looking at my guild mark and knew you'd attack, so I put up the wall as defense. If I wanted a fight, I would've cast an offensive spell, not a defensive one." The guy slowly lowered his cannon.

"I guess that makes sense... But why are you here?" I took a deep breath.

"I want to switch guilds. The Phantom Lord master wouldn't accept me if... If I told him I'm lesbian. I was told that Fairy Tail would accept me." The guy smiled.

"Luckily for you, we have a lesbian in our guild already." I perked up.

"Really?! Where is she?" The doors of the guild hall flew open. I spun to look at the newcomer and gasped. She was gorgeous. She had straight, ruby red hair that fell to the middle of her back, chocolate brown eyes that seemed soft, yet piercing, and pale skin that appeared smooth and soft as silk. She was wearing sparkling silver armor that had a blue cross design on one side with matching silver gloves, a navy blue skirt that fell just above her knees, and black boots that revealed just a bit of smooth skin on her legs. Her eyes were fixated on me, and I wished they would stay that way forever. Her eyes then drifted to my chest, which would've made me blush if I hadn't known what she was looking at. In the blink of an eye, she was across the room and had me pinned to the wall by my throat. I clutched at her hand and gasped for air. She glared at me.

"Phantom Lord, huh? Well, let me show you what we do to members of your guild." I felt something hard hit the side of my head and she released me. The last thing I thought before I blacked out was how musical her voice was.

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