I'll Protect You

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     I cowered away from the girl who made my life Hell. I shielded my face, fully expecting to get hit, but it never came. Instead, I heard loud clangs getting closer and closer. I tentatively opened my eyes and saw Eilís standing in front of me, her face a mask of pure shock and fear. But not towards me. She appeared to be staring at something behind and above me. I turned my head and saw Erza. She was wearing black and silver armor that I knew was her Purgatory armor. Her hair was loose and blowing out behind her head. She held a huge black and silver sword with one hand, impressive because the sword was bigger than me. But what was most striking were her eyes. I was so used to seeing the softness and love in the eyes of my redheaded girlfriend that looking at her like this was terrifying. Her eyes were bright, seeming to blaze with the fire of a thousand suns, staring at Eilís in what seemed like an attempt to bore a hole through her skull. Erza spoke, every word that came out of her mouth being spat in hatred. "Step. Away. From. Her. NOW." Eilís was shaking slightly in fear, but stood her ground. Big mistake. Erza stepped over me and got close to Eilís. "I said," she hissed, "Back the hell up right now before I make you." Eilís reached for me again, which caused me to flinch back. Erza grabbed her wrist tightly. I heard a sickening crack and a scream from Eilís, making me realize Erza must have broken her wrist. She stepped even closer. "Get. OUT." Eilís turned without another word and fled. Erza requipped back into her Heartz Kruz armor, minus the sword, then crouched by me. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" I flung myself into her arms, unsure of what else to do.
     "Thank you, Erz. Thank you so much." I felt her smile against my shoulder.
     "Of course. You've protected me, so now I'll protect you."

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