Joining A Team

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After I got out of the infirmary, I dressed in a low-cut tank top, jeans, and boots, the tank top showing off my new guild mark. I walked over to the bar and sat next to a shirtless girl. The girl was very pretty, though not as stunning as Erza, in my opinion. She had long, wavy brown hair that reached the bottom of her shoulder blades, deep purple eyes that were focused on a mug of beer in front of her, and smooth, tan skin. She wore no shirt, but just had on a cerulean blue bra, red skinny jeans, and black boots. On her hip, I saw a guild mark identical to the one stamped on my chest. The only difference was that hers was black, and mine was F/C. I decided to introduce myself. I extended my hand towards her for a handshake. "Hi. I'm Y/N L/N, the newest member of the guild. What's your name?" She smiled warmly and shook my hand.

"Cana Alberona. Welcome. It's always nice to have a new member. You should probably go introduce yourself to some others and maybe form a team." I was confused.

"A team?" She nodded.

"What for?" Teams had been forbidden at Phantom Lord, unless Master Jose specified otherwise on a special mission. Everyone worked solo.

"Well, to help you with missions and jobs, of course! What was your old team like?" I looked at the ground.

"Um... Well... Teams were kind of... Forbidden... In Phantom Lord..." Cana gasped.

"Really?!" I nodded.

"Unless Master Jose said otherwise." Cana looked shocked.

"That's horrible... In that case, I'll help you find a team. You'll need someone whose powers compliment yours. What magic do you use?" I smiled. This was something I was confident in. I held up my hand and made a snowflake appear, weaving through my fingers.

"Ice." Cana perked up.

"Perfect! I know a team that would work for you, if they're willing to take you." I looked at her in surprise.

"Already?" She nodded and started walking towards a table.

"Yeah! Follow me." I went with Cana to a table in the back. Sitting at the table were four people. The shirtless guy from earlier, Erza, and two people, a guy and a girl, whom I'd never seen before. The guy had spiky pink hair that went in every direction, olive green eyes that made him seem bright and friendly, and dark tan skin that made me doubt he ever stayed inside. He was wearing a sleeveless black cloak edged in yellow with no shirt underneath, so I could see his six-pack very clearly. He also had on white pants, black boots, and a white scarf with a checkered pattern on it. A blue cat with angel wings was floating next to him. Okay then... I studied the girl. She was pretty as well, but in a more sexual way than Cana or Erza. She had medium length blond hair, part of it in a high ponytail on the side of her head. She had brown eyes that seemed to smolder with every glance, not twinkle and spark like Erza's. Her skin was pale and too smooth, which made me wonder how often she moisturized. She was wearing a white tank top edged with blue, a matching short skirt, and brown boots. An orange belt was draped across her hips, a ring of silver and gold keys strung on it. She was leaning across the table, facing the pink-haired boy. He could see completely down her shirt and you could probably drown the world in her cleavage. Cana spoke. "Everyone, this is Y/N. She uses ice magic and would like to join your team." Erza stood, a smile on her face that lit up her eyes and took my breath away.

"Of course. She's welcome to join us." I grinned, feeling accepted for once. Erza put her hand on my back and led me to sit next to the pink-haired boy before she sat next to me. "Y/N, that's Natsu you're sitting next to. He's a Fire Dragon Slayer." He smiled so wide that I was afraid his face would crack.

"Hey Y/N! Nice to meet you!" I smiled back.

"Likewise." Erza pointed at the blonde sitting across from Natsu.

"That's Lucy. A Celestial Wizard. She uses Celestial Spirits to fight and she summons them with the keys on her belt." Lucy smiled and leaned over, giving me a full view of her cleavage.

"Hi!!! OMG it's so nice to meet you!" Ugh... Even her voice annoyed me. Erza nodded at the shirtless boy.

"That's Gray. He uses Ice Make magic, so he's the one you'll probably be spending the most time with." He smirked.

"Hey." I managed a small wave, thinking. That name... Gray... Why was it so familiar? Before I could place it, Erza snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So that's us! Your guildmates, and now, your new team!" I smiled, feeling fully accepted for the first time in years.

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