The Fight

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We stepped off the train, Erza's past still running through my head. How someone could go through that and still be as strong, as powerful as she is... I shook my head to clear the thoughts, knowing that if I didn't focus on the mission, I'd be focused on Erza. She turned to face me. "Y/N?" I started.


"Are you okay? You seemed a little distracted." I nodded, forcing my emotions to take a backseat.

"Yes, of course. I'm just focused on the mission a lot. Maybe too much... But it's my first one with my new guild. I want to prove myself." Erza smiled, leaving me speechless.

"Then follow me. The creature should be this way." We walked for what seemed like an eternity before coming upon a clearing with a sleeping puppy in the center. I ran towards the puppy.

"Aw!!! Erza, look! It-" The second my hand touched the dog, its eyes shot open. They were blood red. The dog grew and shifted into a creature 15 times my size and on fire. A hellhound.

"REQUIP! HEAVEN'S WHEEL!" I backed away from the creature and raised my hands, ready to cast a spell. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Erza in her Heaven's Wheel armor, revealing her true Titania nature. The hellhound roared and pawed the ground.

"ICY WALL!" I shouted, causing a wall made completely from ice to form in between the hellhound, me, and Erza. It ran at us and smashed through the wall like it was nothing. Uh oh. Erza zipped into the air to attack its head while I tried to put out the flames; they seemed to be protecting it. Suddenly, I heard a cry of pain. I looked up and saw that the hellhound had knocked Erza onto the ground. It raised a paw as she lay there, defenseless. I ran. I dove in front of Erza, pushing her out of the way, and taking the deadly blow myself. The pain was unimaginable. It felt like I was having my insides ripped out and put through a blender with me inside. I touched my stomach gently and saw blood when I drew my hand away. I fought to stay awake, struggling to ignore the pain, when I heard a loud crash and saw Erza appear at my side. She cradled my body softly and looked down at me, clearly worried.

"Y/N... Oh no... I'm so sorry... You're hurt... We have to get you back to the guild hall... They can heal you... I wasn't fast enough..."

"Erz..." Her eyes widened.


"We did it... Now everyone will trust me... Including you... I belong now..." Erza smiled and teared up.

"Y/N, I trusted you from the moment we were put on this job together. You always belonged. And you've definitely proven yourself by taking the hit instead of letting me get hurt. Thank you." The world went black.

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