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Okay so i dont know why my chapters arent publishing, but sorry it took so long to update!

Btw any Gossip Girl fans out there?😏
Camerons POV:

"Oh stop whining Cam and have some fun!" Nash said trying to cheer me up. The rest of the boys are coming to stay with us the rest of the summer, so I decided to follow Nash's orders and pick myself up again.

I have been following Ellie around these past weeks and she wont listen. I like her. Actually thats an understatement I think I might love her, call me crazy since I've only had one true date  with her... but if you love something let it go and if they come back their yours to keep. I guess fate has made its choice.

"Yo Cam we need to go get some food for all the guys. Lets go." Nash hooted.

"Yea sure I'll meet you in the car in 5"

We drove to Ralph's and decided to walk around that area to see if there was anything else we needed. It is a big night, all of the Magcon boys are gonna be reunited. We were walking to CVS when I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye. Ellie. She was sitting alone on the bench eating fro-yo with her penny board by her foot. She was wearing glasses, so I couldn't tell her emotion, but by the way she was rolling her board back and forth on her foot I could tell somethings up. And I only hope I was in her thoughts somewhere.

Ellie's POV:

After my date with Nate what I saw on twitter made me have mixed emotions.

I wanted Cameron, but things have been so on and off lately I didnt want to rush things. I needed to think so I went to my favorite frozen yogurt place. My mom used to take me there every week and talk about how the week went. I could actually explain to my mom what was happening to me without her freaking out if I'm okay or not. Actually the last time I spoke to my mom was at that yogurt shop. Without even realizing it I shed a tear. I missed my mom.

"Can I join you?"

I literally jumped out of my seat. Then I looked up. *surprise surprise*

"Um Cameron, Hi yea sure I think thats fine." I grinned.

"So how was your date?" There was tension in the air and I could feel it.

"Good." I replied. I wasnt planning on going into details about it.

"I'm sorry" We both said at the same time.

"You first." Cam urged.

"I realized that while on my date I couldn't stop thinking about this one person. This person was so sweet and he always tried to explain himself, but I am so stubborn I never listen. This person tried to reach out to me but I didnt take his hand. This person gave up. All because I was being selfish, stuck up, and a bitch. And that person is Cameron Dallas."

He just sat there waiting. And I did the same. Cam then turned to face me and connected our lips. It was passionate. His lips were soft and perfect.

"Your all I've been stressing over Ellie." Cam said after we have separated.

"Your all I want." I said back to him.

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