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As soon as I came into the driveway Cameron was standing at the door. I ran out of my car not bothering to lock it and I gave him a huge hug.

"Woah." He said laughing, "Whats with the hugging?"

"Dont act like you dont know" I said jokingly,"I got the job!"

"Babe thats great?" He said now pulling me in for another hug. He led me inside and we sat in the living room. "Im free for the rest of the day, how about you?"

"Sorry Im busy." His smile faded.

"Oh ok.." He said.

"But you didnt let me finish, Im busy spending it with my wonderful boyfriend." I said grinning.

He started smiling again and started babbling on for the plans today. I couldnt help, but smile because everytime I look in his eyes I see a glimmer, and that is the spark of his childhood that he keeps with him. I shut him up before he could say anymore, "Orrr.. We could have a lazy day?"

"Aww, but its beutiful outside, we can do something adventourous." He begged. I hesistated and thats was when he used his 'you cant say no to this adorable face' face. I finally gave in and he started jumping up and down all over the couch.

He led me out to his car. And I got in. Cameron was getting some supplies, Im not sure what, but when he got in he had a devious smile. "What are you up to?" I asked him.

"Ohhhh, nothing." He kept that grin on his face the whole drive. We arrived in a parking lot and I got out. I scanned my surroundings and to my right was a skate park.

I turned around and Cam was standing there with a picnic basket in one hand and a skateboard in the other. I smiled and this is when I made a mistake that I wish I could just rewind. "What are we doing here?" I could see the hurt in his eyes and his smile fade.

"Our.. one month?" He said.

"Obviously. I was just messing with you Cam you know I would never forget..pshhh" I said trying to play it off, "I actually have my gift in my car, Ill go get it." I began walking back to the parking lot and then I realized that I came here with him. I didnt stop walking because that would be more awkward than it already is.

"Ellie I took you here. Your car is at home." I stopped in my tracks. I turned around and walked back to him. I smiled nervously and thought to myself why does he have to be so smart? I wanted to shoot myself at the spot for being so clueless. Cameron put his hands on my shoulders and made me look into his eyes. I was preparing myself for anything he was about to say, "Look El, it's fine if you didnt remember. I mean I didn't want to make it such a big deal. I just wanted to spend some time with you and make it a little more special than all the other times we hang out."

They way Cameron talks to me is always reassuring. When I know hes okay then Im okay. "Thank you. For everything" I pulled him in for a kiss. I had to stand on my tiptoes 'cause he was so tall. While in mid kiss there were 2 guys shouting things at us like, "oo get it". Cameron released from me and turned to the guys telling them to fuck off.

I laughed at that because Cam pretty much slayed. But they also ruined the mood. He led me to spot not too far away from the skate park and he layed down the blanket. Cam took out what was in the basket. Egg salad and pickles... I had a knot in my stomach and I felt like I was about to throw up.

*A/N: A follow for who can guess where the salad is from and the pickles ;p*

"Arent you gonna eat?" Cameron was handing me the plate of food.

"Actually, Im not hungry, I had a really big breakfast." I said giving him a reasurring grin. Then Cameron began laughing uncontrollably. I felt uncomfortable and at the moment didnt know what to think. Is he going crazy? Was what was going through my mind.

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