Can it be?

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Well that escalated quickly;p

Anyways sorry this book is not amazing I'm new to this no hate please •____•

3 days.

Thats how long ago its been since I've met him. Thats night he left to go to his hotel without saying anything. No words at all. Nothing.

I was pretty upset, but what did I even expect? that he would fall madly in love with me and we would run away. In my dreams *sigh*

"Ellie" my brother knocked me out of my thoughts. "Wanna go for breakfast? And we can get some groceries too our fridge is completely empty."

"Yea sure sounds good." I sit up collecting my toiletries to get washed up.

We drove to snooze for breakfast, where they have only the best pancakes in the WORLD!! So fluffy and light its just heaven.

"Imma head to the bathroom." my brother said. I nodded my head.

I looked around the restaurant when something caught my eye. I couldn't bring the name to my head but he looked really familiar.


Cams POV

Nash and I went out to snooze for breakfast. While waiting for my food i scanned the restaurant and saw her. Nash followed my trace and looked shocked as well.

"Aye bro isn't that the fan you hung out with?" I nodded and gulped. I could feel a beed of sweat drip down my forehead. I didn't know what to do. I haven't talked to her in 3 days because I was waiting for her to make the first move. But that does sound wrong, its literally the bro code to talk to the girl first and I just broke it. What was I waiting for? I don't even know.

I kept my eyes on her when a man approached her. He looked a little older but not too much an very handsome.

I felt Nash whisper into my ear , "If you want her you better act fast."I jumped up from my chair and half walked half ran. I made it there exactly the same moment the other guy got to Ellie.

Can someone say AWKWARD...


Ellie's POV

I pretended to be intrigued by the snooze menu as soon as I noticed both of them approaching me.

"Hi" they said in sync.

"Uhh Hhhi-i-i" I stuttered out. I heard Cam speak first out of this awkward situation.

"Ellie is this guy bothering you? I can easily get rid of him."

"Woah bro calm down Im just a friend of Ellie's dont need to get all over protective." The anonamys guy responded.

"Cam chill" I said sternly.

"Im sorry I think this is a bad time." The guy said stalking off to his table.

"What the hell was that about?!". I practically screamed at Cam.

"You looked scared and nervous I'm sorr-"

I cut him off "You shouldn't be getting in my buisness and why now are you talking to me? Three days! THREE DAYS. " Currently the whole restaurant was practically staring at us.

"I'm sorry okay? I just didn't know how to react to that night."

"How about a simple Hey Ellie had fun last night hope to see you again. You turned out to be exactly what I didnt want, forgetting about me!"

"I wasnt trying to Ellie!", Cam lowered his tone, " I'm free today meet me at 2:30 Starbucks same place. Think about it okay? I miss you" He walked off just as my brother came back.

We ate in silence and as we walked out of the restaurant I slipped a paper with my phone number under the guys plate. I could feel Cams eyes burning holes through my back as I stalked off.


2:00 PM

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but i debated with the devil and angel.

Guess who won. I put on white washed shorts and a crop showing a bit of my stomach where my belly-button piercing dangles. Put my hair in a bun, grabbed my keys and walked out.

I was early, but that doesn't matter I just wanted to see what he had to say. I had mixed emotions. I was angry at cam but I missed him, he was so sweet and his smile is perfect; I wanted him. I didnt bother ordering a drink, instead I went on twitter while waiting. My notification were blowing up and I took time to read them all which was a bad choice.

You're a slut you don't deserve Cameron!

Cameron is only doing this because he promised he doesnt feel anything for you.

What a bitch you dont know anything about Cam

Your ruining his life just stop.

I could feel my eyes burning so I popped my ray bans over my eyes. I noticed one tweet that pretty much killed me.

CameronDallas: Guys she doesnt deserve this hate, nothing personal she is just a fan don't worry.

I ran into the bathroom and locked it behind me. I sat on the dirty restroom floor bawling my eyes out. I told myself a million time not to expect a real relationship, but I ignored myself. I am so stupid  who cant trust anyone not even myself.

I gathered myself together and walked out of the bathroom. I focused on just walking out the door without making any eye contact. As I opened the door I ran into some rock hard abs.

"Sorry" I said too quick.

"Ellie wait! Why are you leaving?" His voice was familar. I looked up and of course it was Cameron. He grabbed my wrist holding onto it tight. He lifted up my glasses revealing my puffy eyes. "Whats wrong Ellie. Did I do something?"

"No", I replied, "I was the one that made a huge mistake." I escaped from his grasp and ran away. I didnt know where I was going, but I didnt care I just needed to be alone.

I knew love at first sight couldnt be true

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