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Cameron's POV:

We got in the car and I could tell Ellie was not herself. We could've spent more days in Vegas, but she was making excuses that she was tired and missed her home etc...

"So El, I figured that we've never been on a real date before." I broke the silence in the car except for Lana Del Rey who was singing Summertime Sadness through the radio.

"Hm?" She looked up from her phone.

"Will you go on a date with me? Friday night." I said gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white.

She put her phone down to look at me. "That sounds perfect Cam". She smiled and so did I. I took my hand in hers and held it the rest of the drive.


Ellie's POV:

After we got back from Vegas I've done nothing but worry. I haven't seen Cam in a couple days probably because he is preparing for our date friday. Which by the way I am super happy about. During the date I expect to clear my mind and just spend the whole day with my boyfriend. I haven't told him I loved him yet. The reason is usually because guys are supposed to make the first move.

The house was super empty because Luke went traveling around the world doing buisness. So I called Taylor over to keep me company. I had asked her before to come move in with me and she told me that she has to find a job and work there for at least a month to show her parents shes responsible. To be honest I miss my parents and I wish they were here to lecture me about responsibility. It's hard living on my own. I have to fall hard on the ground before learning my mistakes and still have no one there to come pick me up.

The door bell rang and I got taken out of my thoughts. I looked through the window and saw it was Taylor. I never used to be so careful as to have to look through the window and check who it is, but I feel less safe each day.

"Hi Tay!" I said as I opened the door. I pulled her into a big hug and then let go.

"Jeeze El we saw eachother like 2 days ago." She said laughing.

'I know but I just need someone to talk to and clear my mind."

"Alright then spill everything you have to say and I will feedback when your done" We took a seat on the couch and I told her everything. About how I dont feel comfortable even in my own home because I feel like Nate will always be around. I also told her about my feelings about Cameron, but that I am too afraid to express them to him. She sat there listening quietly and it felt like I was in therapy except my best friend was a therapist. "Okay first off " She grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye, 'You need to stop stressing about Nate and his minions, if he even has any, you are over-thinking it way too much." I nodded letting her know that I understood what she was saying. "And secondly, you can't just straight up tell Cam you love him out of no where, but you cant wait forever until he chooses to say it to you. You just need to find a sign from Cam that you know means love. Then you can say it to him without feeling like you made a mistake."

"Your right Tay. I shouldnt wait too long." I said

She continued talking as if I wasnt there, "Third, if you are so worried and need to clear your mind then get a job. That way you will focus on only your work and not any drama going on in the outside world."

I never though I'd be saying this but, " A job seems like the only solution at the moment. And I need one asap." We surfed the internet and found all of these jobs. Obviously none of them were good or else I wouldve gotten one by now. "Let's go do a photoshoot, Im getting dizzy looking at all of these jobs." I suggested. I got my Nikon DSLR and told Tay to choose anything out my closet to wear or she can keep what she has on. Taylor usually models for my photos, even though we don't do anything with the photos except keep them on our computers. Its just one of the hobbies that I love.

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