Job Application

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Ellie's POV:

Our date ended and now Im back in my lonely house. He had said he loved me. The thought of that put a smile on my face. But then it went away after I realized that Cam was going on tour. I wouldn't see him for at least 6 months. He does get visiting but he will most likely use it to spend with his family.

I will be alone. For 6 months watching out for Nate and anyone that might be working for him. Just great. I turned off my lamp and went to bed. Hoping that life will turn around for the better tommorrow.


*next day*

It was a saturday so Yay for me. Except that it was summer so it didn't really matter. I was out walking the city trying to find a job opening. I had my camera, sunglasses, and a bag. I looked like a tourist but whatever. I got a text from Cameron what are you doing today? I texted back telling him I was looking for a job. I told him where I was so that we could meet up and he could help me. I waited by a cafe near by so that I could spot him when he came.

I looked to my right where I saw a mob of girls near the parking lot. I saw brown short hair and I guess it was Cam. I pulled out my phone and said by the cafe to your left. He immediately responded and a couple minutes later when the crowd died down he came over to where I was. "Hey" I said standing up to give him a hug.

"Hey El. Sorry that took so long." He said. I just smiled and he took the newspaper from my hand. "So jobs. Why do you need one?" He raised an eyebrow to show his expression.

"So that I can be productive." I stated.

"Im all the company you need babe." He said smirking. I jokingly punched him in the arm and we both laughed.

"But Im serious. I should be making my own money anyways since Luke is traveling the world and I dont want to live off of my parents will."

"Right, but I dont want you to get a job that wil keep you away from me." He said. Not like your job doesnt do that already; I thought in my head but didnt say outloud. We continued sitting at the cafe and I was messing around with my camera. "Photography, is that like your hobby?" He said.

"Yea I can't go anywhere without my camera." I said. Cam was looking out to the bay so I decided to take a candid of him. I was focusing on my face and right when I was about to snap the photo he turned and made a puma face.

"NOOO!" I screamed and laughed. "It was a really artsy pose until you turned." I said.

"Nothing beats the puma face." He said. I nodded my head agreeing to what he said. I was taking random photos of stores and tourists. "Want to go take some real photos?"

I was confused but he took my hand and led me to a cliff with a really nice scenery. "Babe take a photo!" He called my name. I turned to him and took random snaps. He did different poses and a couple minuted later he took his shirt off. I started laughing but he was urging me to continue taking photos of him. We finished about 30 minutes later and we walked back to the parking lot. He led me to my car and I thanked him for such a nice day. I drove back home, but picked myself up some dinner before hand.

When I got home I heated up my food and uploaded all of the pictures I took of Cam. I sent them to him and I thought that I should post some but realized that I didn't ask Cameron if he was the one that made us public. I decided to wait on all of that and edit some of them instead.


Cameron's POV:

I got the photos El sent me and I decided to help her find a job. I logged onto my email, addded an attachment and pressed send.

Now I have to wait for an answer. Ellie has done so much for me I wanted to do something special for her. I was bored so I went on twitter, which by the way I havent been on in like weeks so I'm probably missing out on a lot.

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