
423 12 1

Cameron's POV:
*beep beep beep*


Ellie's POV:

It' been 3days since Cameron woke up. The cops haven't found who the drunk driver was, but they are looking for him.

I've been staying at the hospital over night, I only went home to shower and get some stuff.

My brother got a job to travel around the world. Which is great for him, but now its super lonely in the house. Luckily Taylor's parents agreed to let her stay with me. The only thing that would make it better is Cameron waking up.

Nash has been staying at the hospital as well. We like to talk to each other and make things seem better than it actually is.

The nurse came in to check up on Cameron. She made me an Nash sit outside.

"You know, Cameron really likes you." Nash spoke up.

"Yea and I like him too." I began smiling.

"Then what took you so long? What was there to think about if you liked Cam so much."

"Nash it's complicated. We can't talk about this." I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face and made myself look more presentable.

I walked back to the room. I stopped. The bed was gone, Cam was gone, and so was Nash. I ran the check-in desk.

"Where did Cameron Dallas from room 421 go?"

"Um, let me check." The nurse said. It seemed like an eternity before she even found out where he went. He went into the E.R."

"What happened to him?!"

"I'm sorry ma'm I don't know." I sprinted to the E.R. where Nash saw me and stopped me.

"Woah there Ellie calm down."

"How can I calm down?! Cameron is in the E.R.!"

"Yea I know El but he will be fine. I was just talking to the Doctor.The machine was beeping like crazy. They need to do some checks on him."

Just then I heard a voice behind me.

"Excuse me, but are one of you related to Mr.Dallas?"

"No he's just our friend, but we are the only one's here for him." Nash replied.

"Well we've got some news." I began shaking because I didn't know if it was good or bad.

The doctor stepped to the side and the nurses began wheeling Cameron out. The best part, he was awake.

"CAMERON!" I yelled so loud the whole floor probably heard me. I sprinted to him and embraced him into my arms.


Cameron's POV:

I woke up in a super bright room. I heard voices and they were talking about how they couldn't save me.

What? Aren't I awake? Whats happening to me?!

Then one of the nurses turned around and her eyes grew big.

"Doctor. I think he's awake."

"Huh? Oh. OH my Mr.Dallas your awake! That's great. How you feeling?"

"My head is pounding. How did I get here?"

"I will let your friends tell you how that went. But, for now let run some tests on you."

After they finished the doctor exited but they made me stay in the room. I waited for about ten minutes until they pushed me out, since I had a cast on my leg and a neck brace.

"CAMERON!" Right away I knew who that was. She ran to me and hugged me so tight.

"Oo ouch." I said.

"Oh, sorry" Ellie released and I was disappointed because I missed having her in my arms. But when she let go she had tears in her eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I tried to wipe off her tears but it was hard to move in a neck brace.

"I'm just so happy to see you." She said," I thought I almost lost you."

"I already lost you Ellie." I said. She looked confused and I couldn't look in her eyes.

Nash broke the silence. "Hey bro. I missed you."

I smiled, "I miss you too Nash"

"Let's go back to your room and I'll call the rest of the guys." Nash said.

When we got back I could tell Ellie was thinking hard. She looked at me and I waved her over. She sat down next to me and I could tell she was inspecting me.

"I'm fine Ellie." I said.

"I know your not. And maybe you didn't hear me when you first came to the hospital." Now I was the one conused. What did she say?

She grabbed my hand and I looked down. On her wrist was the watch I gave her. I smiled. "Your wearing it." I said, "Which means..."

She cut me off, "Yes. Cameron. I am now your girlfriend." I was so happy I pulled her in for a big hug.

We stayed like that until Carter, Caniff, Gilinsky, Johnson, Matthew, Aaron, Shawn and Nash walked in.

"Looks like the secret is out." Nash smirked. I gave him a look but couldn't hold back my smile.

The boys surrounded me. We exchanged fist bumps and they just started cracking jokes. It felt great to be back in the real world.


Okay guys so I promise this time I will update faster.

This chapter was a softy kind with no drama.

I can't think of a ship name for Cameron and Ellie. You guys decide and comment your suggestions!

-love you, Kay

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