What happens In Vegas Stays

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Ellie's POV:

"Why are you here? How?" I asked stuttering.

"I had to follow you down here and thats the first you say to me?" Cameron's voice started to get louder.

"You have to understand Cam, I was doing this for you." My eyes were stinging by now and it was getting super hard to hold back my tears.

"So running off to Vegas without saying a word is how you protect me?!" Cam ran his hand through his hair in a fit.

"Maybe I didn't want to jeopardize our relationship. Nate was getting closer and I was scared." I tear streamed down my face and my makeup started running. There was a pause. And then he did something I didnt expect, he pulled me into a big hug. He rubbed my back to comfort me. Which made me cry harder.

"You know I would do anything to protect you. Whatever there is you know that you could tell me."

"You just got out of the hospital I didn't want to put any weight on you." I said.

He smiled, "Lets get out of this club and somewhere quite." Nash and Taylor led the way out to the limo. While Cam and I followed behind.

We got in the car and Cam held my hand interlocking our fingers. "What happened in the club?" He spoke up after about 10 minutes of driving.

I didn't know how to answer that. I didn't want to tell him because then he would think I was crazy and he would leave. "I dont want to talk about it right now. Im really tired" I did a fake yawn and laid my head on his shoulder. He nodded in agreement and kissed my forehead. "But I wanna say something, can we agree to start fresh? Forget about the past and start new."

"Yea, sure, I just want you to be happpy El." He said. I smiled even though he probably couldnt see me in the dark.

*next morning*

I woke up next to Cameron and looked over to see Nash and Taylor in the other bed. Cameron had his arm around my waist so I didn't have a lot of wiggling room. I slowly lifted his arm so I wouldn't wake him and I made my way to the bathroom. I washed up and changed into something more presentable. When I came out they were all still asleep. I decided to wake them up, but not the nice way. I started with Cameron. I went back into the bathroom and got a cup of water. When I came back out Cam wasn't in bed anymore. I looke around the whole room but I didn't see him.

"NASH! TAYLOR! Have you guys seen Ca-" Before I finished my sentence I had a handful of foam smeared all over my face.

"SMACK CAM!' Cameron shouted. I turned to look at him and when he saw my face he was on the floor in a fit of laughter.

I screamed, "OH MY GOD IM GOING TO KILL YOU CAMERON" I jumped on top of him trying to tackle him, but I forgot how much bigger he was compared to me. He easily flipped me over and picked me up over his shoulder. "Put me down Cameron! I mean it!"

"First you have to say your sorry." He said.

"Sorry?! You should be the one saying sorry! You did all of this to me." I pointed to my face.

"Fine, Im sorry babe. And I mean it." He put me down and made a puppy-dog face.

"I accept" I said giggling. I went back into the bathroom to clean off all of the foam from my face. I came out to see all of them on their phones. "Oh what has social media done to you guys." I said laughing.

"For starters, it helped me find you." Cameron said grinning. He couldn't be anymore right.

"Awe." I heard Nash and Tay say in the background.

"Wow Nash I've never seen you so girly in my life" Cameron smirked, "Chad has raised you to be a lil' girl."

Nash threw a pillow at him and it hit him straight in the face. "Little girls can't throw pillows like that."

Taylor and I both looked at him, "Who do you think your talking to Hamilton?!" Taylor spoke up. Just then she took a pillow and threw it as hard as she could at Nash. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Then I realized something, "Who is Hamilton?" I said out loud. The room became silent. Tay and Cam exchanged glances and then they both looked at Nash. "Wait... Nash. Your Hamilton?"

"Pshhh no I'm not." He said

" Yea he is." Both Taylor and Cameron said in sync. I looked over at Nash who was now hiding his face. I couldn't hold in a laughter.

"Awe it's ok Ham we are all friends here." I said pulling him into a hug.

"Aye hands off my girl bro." Cameron said squeezing his way in between Nash and I.

"Relax Dallas. By the way Ellie, you are not gonna tell anyone about my real name."

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" I grinned. "Im starving can we go eat breakfast?" They all nodded considering it was already 11:00. Since we were already clean an changed we just slipped on our shoes and left.

Valet was really crowded and we didnt want to wait so we just called a cab. The driver took us to Paris where we decided to eat breakfast. I ordered a turkey and bacon sandwhich and a coffee. Obivously not on the list of things I should eat, but Ill make up for it. We finished eating and discussed our plans.

"We should pack our bags and put them in our cars so when we drive around we can head straight home after." I suggested.

"Oh I thought we were gonna stay for another day." Cameron said.

"I only booked the hotel room for 3 days." I said. Truth is that I couldn't stand being so close to Nate even if he is in jail. I feel like people are watching me, like Nate's people. I want to get out of Nevada asap and back to LA.

"Yea and I miss my home." Taylor piped up. We went back to the hotel where the guys chilled and Taylor and I were the only people packing. Taylor pulled me into the bathroom so that the guys wouldn't hear us. "I dont know about you El, but I still dont feel safe. Last night we didnt even see if Nate got arrested or not." She said.

"I know Tay I feel the same way. Im sorry I brought you into this."

"Dont worry about me Im worried for you. We just need to watch our backs because Nate has a lot money that he can use to bail himself out with." Taylor said. I bit my lip, she had a point.

"Are you girls ready to hit the road?" Cameron shouted from the other side of the door. We came out and I nodded.

"We can just check out through the TV" I said. We finished everything and headed to the lobby. We had two cars so Cam and I in one and Nash and Tay in the other car.

As we drove off Cam put his hand on my thigh. I closed my eyes and repeated in my head one of my favorite quotes : don't let what you did in the past ruin your future.


So how do you feel about Cameron and Ellie's relationship? I ship Callie👫

Give me feedback on my book so that I know what to add more of or take out in my later chapters.

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