Chapter 14 - Home Alone!!

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Aashi's P.O.V.

"Ok, class. Note down your assignment topics and this assignment you've to submit next week to me positively", Mrs. Jyoti said and I groaned mentally.

It has been just one month of my college and these teachers have loaded our shoulders with bulk of assignments. I ain't getting any time to read my novels. Also, I'm not able to write anything in my diary. I'm not getting any Me time. I seriously need a vacation.

"College sucks", Nia said whilst closing her note book and lie down her forehead on the desk taking support of her arms.

"Tell me something new", I said and got up from my seat and she too got up after a long sigh.

"Let's go to the canteen. I'm craving for a coffee right now", I said and she nodded.

"I hate coffee. I'll have tea", she said and I nodded.


"One coffee and one tea", I said to the canteen manager and he nodded. We payed and sat on a vacant seat and waited for our orders.

"So? How's things going on between you and Jay?", She teased and I rolled my eyes.

"There's nothing between two of us", I said and she giggled.

"It doesn't seems nothing to me at least", she teased again and I ignored her. Our order was read soon and the canteen boy signalled us and Nia got up to get our orders.

It had been a week now that Jay is giving some more attention to me. Whenever I and Nia are together, he usually come and initiate conversation with me, ignoring Nia completely. I know that he's just being nice but Nia is taking everything in a wrong direction. But why is Jay being nice to me is beyond my understanding!

"Lost in your dreamland with Jay, ain't you?", Nia came and placed the tray and sat by my side.

"Shut up Nia", I said and she laughed and then sipped her tea. I too had a small sip of my hot coffee which soothes my body instantly.

"I was saying that-", Nia began to tell me something only when someone interrupted us.

"Hey", I heard someone calling us from behind. Turning my head, I found Jay coming towards us. Nia coughed when he stood by our side and I glared at her.

"Hey Aashi. How are you?", He asked and I just smiled at him forcefully.

"I'm good. How're you?", I asked trying to be civil to him.

"I guess I should leave now. I don't want to disturb you two", she said immediately.

"No you're staying", I ordered.

"Actually I had brought something for you", Jay said and I stopped glaring at Nia and looked at his direction. He was still standing near our seat.

"For me? Why?", I asked.

"Because I've heard that you love chocolates. So, I brought these dark chocolates for you", he said and passed me a Temptation.

Yummy!! My inner self said. Fine, I lost my senses seeing chocolate. Everyone had some weakness, go judge me.

"Thanks but I can't take it. I'm sorry. I don't take gifts", I said.

"We're friends right. I've brought it for you because you're my friend", Jay explained himself.

"Oh, ok. If you're saying this much then I accept it. Thanks", I said and he smiled.

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