Chapter 24 - Rehearsal!!

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"He set fire to the world around him,
But never let a flame touch her"

Aashi's P.O.V.

I was running here and there, in and out, up and down the stage. No, I ain't crazy, I'm freakin event organiser of some idiotic bunch of students and they're actually taking me for granted. Especially Mr. KABIR MONKEY MALHOTRA. He's giving me so much useless tasks to do, not letting me get even five minutes break. Oh, I hate him way way too much.

"Spooky, my script", his voice echoed.

"It's in your hand", I glared at him.

"I'm thirsty, get me water", he said.

"I'm hungry. Help me", was his another demand.

"My costume is too dull", he complained later.

"Black and blue is the code. What can I do then?", Was my reply.

"This shirt is too long", he said.

And after that his next shirt was too short, too tight, too loose and what not. God, he's making me insane. Not a single other person of that group is irritating me as much as this single person.

After arranging for everything and fulfilling all demands of Mr. Oh so Monkey Malhotra, I sat down on the chair and sighed. Oww, my legs. They're hurting like hell. They must have been swollen. I was stupid to wear my new shoes today only. They've scratched my whole feet.

Note down, never wear new shoes on any working day!!

"Spooky, you've not given me my red muffler. What should I do? Go and shop it leaving my practice here", Mr. Monkey yelled from stage. I cried out mentally, my legs pleaded me not to walk anymore.

I was about to get up when someone kept a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Atharv standing there.

"Ask anyone else to bring that for you. She's not your servant", Atharv said and for the first time ever I actually liked his presence.

I looked at Kabir and he glared at me. I shurgged my shoulder at him and mentally danced at his silence. Atharv passed me a cup of coffee and sat by side.

He's an angel today!!

"Thanks. I needed it today", I said and sipped the hot coffee.

"I saw you're busy so I thought to bring coffee here only. I'm glad you don't hate me that much", he said.

"I don't hate you", I told him.

"So, do you like me?", He said with a grin.

"No. I'm neutral", I said and looked away. He nodded. We both saw the rehearsal where Kabir was proposing Ami and Noor was getting jealous because she was playing one sided lover of Kabir and Ami and Kabir were the main leads. I sighed in bliss whilst drinking my coffee.

"I heard they all have dance pratice at your place after the play", Atharv said.

"Yeah. It had been three days only. They didn't have a place so they asked me out for help", I replied giving full attention to Atharv.

"But let me beware you of Kabir. He's a heart stealer", he said and I scoffed.

He's an irritating monkey, my heart whispered.

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