Chapter 51 - Be A Badass!!

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🍁"And When We Kissed One Another For The First Time, I Swear I Could Hear Our Souls Whisper So Quietly, 'Welcome Home'!!"🍁


Aashi's P.O.V.

He sat next to me and my grip on my lehnga increased a bit. It was night time, we're alone on the terrace, the mood is romantic because duh it's a wedding, Indian Wedding, Delhi Wedding to be precise. On the top, he's looking so handsome and his eyes were talking too. He was staring at me so intensely that I was forced to avert my gaze to the ground. The atmosphere around me all of a sudden picked up degrees. It's so hot in here.

"I want to ask you something", He said and I just nodded.

"I want to tell you something too", He said again and I nodded again.

"I'll ask first", he said and I looked at him.

"Do you like Gautam?", He asked.

"Yes", I replied honestly.

But not as much as I like you, my heart whispered!!

"So? Will, you date him?", He asked.

"Why?", I asked incredulously.

"Don't ask a question in return. Answer me", he replied.

"Don't ask me such questions then", I replied back.

"Why? Can't I ask you anything now?", He asked with a scowl on his face.

"No. You can't ask me about my love life. Why are you so concerned in between?", I kept my point. Today, I'm not going to win him.

"Because I'm your friend. You and I both know you lack maturity. You're already dealing with Paras. I don't want you to get in trouble with Gautam", he said.

"Gautam is a nice guy", I reasoned out.

"Don't judge a book by its cover", he said.

"Look who's talking?", I scoffed and Kabir rolled his eyes.

"Why are you picking up a fight? Just answer me. Will, you date Gautam or not?", He asked.

"I don't know", I replied truthfully.

"Why? You either like him or you don't like him. What's there to know?", He asked impatiently.

"I mean he's a nice guy. I can give him one chance. What do you think?", I asked.

"Look Aashi, he's way too nice. Such boys don't exist", Kabir said.

Just because you're not nice doesn't mean no one can be nice, my heart whispered.

"They exist in my world", I replied.

"You live in a fantasy dreamland. That's not my problem, spooky", he said coldly and my eyes welled up.

"Why are you so rude?", I asked getting up from my seat.

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