Chapter 5 - Persistence

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Chapter 5 – Persistence


Calum groaned as he stared at his maths notebook then to the board again. What the hell, he didn't understand a single thing. So he just went to his usual 'fuck this' mode and laid his head on his desk. He closed his eyes for a few minutes. It's been five years since Luke's death, five years since he escaped from the enemy's lair, five years since he started his training at Cerberus Daemon Institution. It's been five years since he started training but they still wouldn't let him be part of the VEU or Vampire Extermination Unit like Ashton and Michael. Well, it kinda doesn't surprise him since they started their training way before Calum did but still he wanted to go to the battlefield and kill some vampires. All he ever wanted was to release his built up frustrations and killing vampires was the only way to do it. A chuckle caused him to snap his head up and looked toward the direction of the voice. It was Ashton and Michael in their school uniforms as Ashton threw a can of soda at him and he caught it with ease.

"How ya doing, Calpal?" Michael asked, amused at Calum's current situation.

Calum groaned as he sipped on his can of soda. "Not good. I'm struggling with maths." he replied.

"As usual." Ashton pointed out. Calum glared at him as Michael laughed loudly.

"Yeah, I remember back in the orphanage you always asking Luke for help when it came to maths. He's so good at maths, that guy." Michael smiled softly as he closed his eyes.

"Yeah, he's amazing." Calum whispered.

Ashton just hummed. Silence enveloped them. Yeah, it's been five years but thinking about Luke and him not being with them still made their heart clench. Luke may not be with them but he still lives in their hearts, that's for sure.

"I wonder what he could be saying right now if he's with us?" Calum asked just to lighten the mood.

"I bet he would be all, 'Calum, I already explained this to you many times already!'" Michael said, imitationg Luke's voice which caused the three of them to laugh loudly.

"But then he would still go through every step just to make Calum understand." Ashton added.

"Yeah." Calum agreed.

And before they can say another word, the emergency alarm of the whole school interrupted them followed by a voice from the speakers, "A vampire hostage has escaped, students please follow our safety precautions and don't go out of your classrooms. Members of the VEU, you are given permission to use your weapons within the school grounds but make sure that you won't harm any students. I repeat-"

Michael and Ashton looked at each other and stormed off. Calum followed right after them.

"Calum, what are you doing?" Ashton asked, quickening his pace.

"I'm coming with you guys!" Calum responded.

"Cal, they said that students should stay inside the classrooms." Michael pointed out.

Calum stopped running while Michael and Ashton headed outside to look for the vampire escapee. Calum shook his head and headed for his locker where his bows and arrow are kept. He strapped his arrow canister onto his back and held his bow in his hand. He proceeded towards the exit of the school building, making sure no instructors would spot him violating the rules.

On his way to where he knows Ashton and Michael were headed to, a vampire jumped in front him causing him to stop in his tracks and went on to his battle stance. He shot one arrow towards the vampire but she dodged it with ease as she evilly laughed and ran away, heading towards the school building.

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