IV Have You Finished the Letter?

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The drive along the way to the Engel house was, to say the very least, very hectic and loud; all throughout the ride it was nothing but debates from the parents to Max about the whole play debacle. His sister, Beth, was silent the whole way, every now and then she will glance over at Sophia from her phones glowing screen out of curiosity and possible disgust.

She could understand that though, she got those looks all of her life.

Especially from her father.

Thomas had kept a watchful eye on Sophia during the drive, he did notice faint scars that rested on the girls neck, thinking to which she was suicidal and had tried to take her own life. Though he had negative thoughts of the girl he did have some concerns for her; like her eyes that looked sunken in accompanied by dark circles and her frail body bundled nice and snug under his sons snow jacket. He knew now why his son gave her the jacket, without it she wouldn't be living the next day. It crushed his heart knowing the state of the girl, even more so as the thought of her body frozen in the snow races.

Max was overjoyed with only Sophia's presence as they rode home, he'd let her borrow his phone from time to time so that they could talk when the parents grew silent for a moment. He'd learned that she loved this time of year and that she- in fact- still believed in the big jolly Santa Claus. She had openly admitted that she thought she would be without a home this year, his family had been a true blessing to her Christmas spirit and brought it back to life.

"I do have to warn you though Soph," Max began, whispering out the first parts to her; he knew what his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins were like and with a gentle soul like hers....

She would be eaten alive by almost all of them.

Sophia turned her full attention to Max, tilting her head slightly as to ask what might happen. Before Max could say any further the fighting began again as the car pulled into a slightly snow covered driveway and a home that was built like it was made for a cover magazine. She could only imaging the heading title being 'Perfect Family Home'. The family continued to bicker while carefully making their way up the snowy pathway to the front step.

Sophia, however, didn't head this warning and slipped painfully onto the icy pavement, feeling the ice like daggers in her skin as she rested on the ground. Her palms she could feel the small scrapes as blood slowly made their way through the exposed skin and freeze on the snow. She looked up to see if anyone had paid any attention or to see if she had embarrassed herself in front of the others. It was only Omi though that had seen the poor girl fall onto the pavement and ushered Max and her son Thomas outside to help her up right away.

The Engel family had thought that she was right behind them when trying to make their way up the steps, not once thinking of looking back to check on the poor girl. Thomas had commanded his son to stay inside while he rushed to Sophia's side to help her up and make careful footing on the cold icy floor. He felt bad when seeing the girl's palms scraped up from the fall; once they both made it inside, Omi made her way towards the girl with a broad smile on her face and her small delicate hands cupping both sides of Sophia's face.

Martha had rushed to the garage to see if any of Beth's old clothes would be able to fit the small girl in their living room. Leaving the Christmas picture aside for a moment, she found a cute sweater that would cover her hands and her frame with washed out jeans and fuzzy socks to keep her warm. She had even found some undergarments for her to wear in the time being while her other clothes would wash; before making her way to Sophia again she went into her and her husbands bathroom to grab the first aid kit and some gauze to help patch up her hands before dinner.

When she returned she found that Sophia was no longer in the living room like she had hoped, but, in the kitchen with her son and her mother-in-law watching the very old version of The Christmas Carol where the character is conflicted by his ghostly friend, being warned of the three Christmas spirits that were to visit him that very night. She smiled slightly at the scene, seeing that her son had grown so close to the girl so quickly and knowing that he has difficulty making friends this just made her heart warm and her smile stay on her face longer.

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