XVII All According To Plan

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Krampus howled in anger as he had witnessed his mate suffering from such excruciating pain. Through Kips eyes he could see that she was sitting on the couch flinching from the wraps pressure as the human's wrapped it and placed cooling packs onto the damaged hand. Seeing his beloved weeping from the pain sent him in a fit of uncontrollable rage, knowing that his beloved bride was in pain and there was nothing he could do to help her at this moment in time.

He could only pace and growl deeply as his anger only built within him. His hunger to kill everyone in the family only intensified with each passing second.

In a short distance he could see his Orak flying closer to the destination of his sled. Much like the ringkin breed, Orak's were very intelligent creatures and chose one master for the rest of their lives, therefore, sharing telepathic communications and complete utter trust in their chosen master until the day their life is extinguished.

 Much like the ringkin breed, Orak's were very intelligent creatures and chose one master for the rest of their lives, therefore, sharing telepathic communications and complete utter trust in their chosen master until the day their life is extingu...

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He stood in the snow awaiting for Larik to land, he was to only be summoned for his queen- to fly her back to their home- so the fact that he came so soon was something to be concerned about. As soon as Larik landed and folded his wings he connected his head to his master, learning of all that has happened with his queen and the sudden change in one certain slave. Once he saw the vision of the half breed goblin devising a plan to steal his beloved Sophia away from him, it only made his anger worse and the need to kill more so. He shook from so much contained anger that his vision was starting to turn black and his patience was wearing thin. His eyes glowed a bright ember as he commanded his Orak to bring the traitor to him; but, before he could obey he had thought of something devious to get back at the little menace.

Larik turned back to his master, folding his wings back into place, "darf ich etwas Meister vorschlagen?" [May I suggest something master?] he asked, his smile more pronounced as he faced his master with a playful and more sinister look in his eyes. He nodded for his pet to continue as they discussed the fun torture and pains that they would have for the small failure of goblin kind. Larik always disliked the little oaf of an elf and saw the perfect opportunity to extinguish his very existence, he had been given one too many chances and with that needed to be punished for thinking that he could take his masters future queen. Though he had not met her yet, through his bond with his master he can already feel the pull to the light hearted spirit that was inside the walls domain. 

To say the very least... He could not wait to meet their future queen and- hopefully- his new mistress.

Sophia could only sniffle as her cries were forever silent; granted, her hand was wrapped properly the pain still radiated all up and down her arm. The only cooling source for the swelling being a melted bag of peas as her hand rested on top of the small pillow on her lap. Next to her, Kip paced across the fabric of the blanket, hatred for the adults in the family intensifying with each minute; but, also blaming himself for causing this injury to his mistress. Protecting her was his responsibility and he could only growl and huff irritably at not being careful when finding her final gift from his master. The gift had been tossed at the early morning close to the shoes, not wanting to forget until it was too late he'd fetched the gift successfully; however, it harmed her in the process and it killed him from the inside out.

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now