XIX Torturous Fun Part 2

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The sound of the girls screams had made Linda's blood run cold and her heart to sink to her stomach. She looked to her husband and both had lost their color, she pushed everyone aside to make it to the living room where the others were and a dumbfounded Dorothy sat with little slumbering Chrissy. "Where in the hell did they go?!" she exclaimed, the girls screams continued the more they waited. She had put faith in Aunt Dorothy to watch after her kids, knowing that she'd take care of them and keep a close eye on them.

 On her better days that is.

In this instance was not one of those days. 

A lump had formed in Linda's throat when hearing that Aunt Dorothy had "guessed" their whereabouts and she wanted to cry hearing her babies screams getting louder as she heard things being shoved around whilst them trying to fight back. Her only fear was with what were they fighting against; she was determined to fight and kill anything for her kids, however, she was terrified as well with what other creatures they would have to face. Her hands grew clammy and her stomach in knots, knowing that the silent fits of laughter coming from upstairs were from something inhuman.

Martha did not hesitate when grabbing hold of the large hatchet laid out on the countertop. The determination within her eyes a burning flame, wanting to protect her family indefinitely through the midst of the chaos; not only did she have a desire to protect the ones that she loved, but, she grabbed the hatchet as reassurance for herself. Growing up in a hunters family had its benefits and knowing what weapon would protect them helped. Though she held her hatchet in a death like grip there was a feeling deep within her gut, a sinking feeling in her that made her look to everyone in the room with panic and sheer terror written on their faces. She swallowed hard as the guilty feeling made its way to her heart, feeling it be stabbed with terror. 

That everyone may not make it out of this house alive. 

All of the parents had scrambled to make it to the entryway of the stairwell, a moment of deafening silence was enough to hear the small fits of malicious giggling echo through the thin walls. Making everyone in the room hold their breath, Thomas tightening the grip of his gun shakedly and Martha's sweaty grip on the cool wooden handal all the more eager. All adults looked to each other knowing that this had to be the chance to put their plan to action, Martha and Thomas were the first to make their way slowly up the creaking steps as Linda stayed behind for a moment to place a long, lingering kiss to her beloved husband. She blinked away the few unshed tears as she followed the others up the steps, looking back to her Howard and nodding before going the rest of the way. 

Sophia felt the panic rise within her, the noises that had gone on upstairs for nearly five minutes were enough to alarm her so much so that her heart rate was through the roof. Though the adrenaline helped with the pain in her hand, her anxiety and fear had let her imaginations go wild; she could only imagine what the size of that creature was that the girls had struggled against, large enough to cause multiple items to me thrown and smashed against the walls. She let out a shaking breath as her hand rested on the belly of Kip, still purring with abandoned satifaction; her thoughts were going crazy as she thought of the creature coming after the others, even her. She'd clenched and unclenched her jaw when thinking of the many scenarios that could happen next and all of them were not good; her thoughts were suddenly stopped when hearing movement in the kitchen, the sound of metal and glass hitting the marble surface. "Uncle Howard?" Max paniced, only to be silenced by him as he positioned his gun to the entryway of the swinging doors. He called for his hunting dog to come to him, be his aid in the hunt, but, was disappointed when she whimpered and hid behind Sophia's legs. She could feel the poor pooch shaking behind her as she covered her eyes with her paws, cooing at the poor thing she reached down slightly to scratch behind her ear and et her belly to reassure her. Only to be stopped once she heard a tiny growl from her own little pet glaring at the dog. 

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