XX Torturous Fun Part 3

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*Credit for picture goes to GeekTyrantNews from pinterest.*

Jester Jack was quick with his movements when trying to find his escape route, truely he wanted to rest, but, he needed to find a way out before being caught by those humans. He was once in the past and was torn apart for the dead children in his stomach, the elves had made it on time to get him the help he needed from his master, but, planned to not let it happen again. 

Inching closer towards the wall he finally found an air duct to escape through, prying off the metal screen easily; he began to wiggle his way through the tight space only to stop halfway through, he could fee the bundle of bodies inside of him squishing together causing him to slow down in his escape. He growled and let out a loud cry as he began to wiggle more in the metal contraption. 

His fabric skin and oozing insides ripping in the process. 

He hissed at the searing pain, the cloth attached to the metals outer surface and with that causing it to tear more and more; his wire rib-cage beginning to show. The best he could do for lubrication was to extend his mouth once agan and shoot his spit against the sides of his body, wiggle once more and tear the excess skin off and leave it behind. The cries of the parents torment was indeed satsfying as he began his tedious task. 

While Thomas was being stabbed in the back by the tin can robot, Linda's arm was being mauled by a demonic teddy bear; she cried in pain as his needle-like teeth sank deeper and deeper into her skin, the claws burrowing into her like hooks. She tried to rip at the bears soft body, even the fur, but, all actions only lead to him grinding his teeth deeper into the wound. Tenias groaned in satisfaction as the blood from the woman had slid down his throat; the hardest part for him was resisting the urge to biting into her throat, he had aimed to do so had the man not warned her of his oncoming attack, but, the arm would do just as nice. He could feel his teeth almost touching each other through the woman's flesh, he was ready to rip his head from side to side to tear a good portion off of her, but was soon interrupted when the woman had a new fire ignite within her and the will to fight once more. 

Linda was now enraged when seeing her Stevie, her baby unconsious just a few feet away covered in slobber and a small trail of blood trickling down her forehead. She managed to regain full control as she rolled over onto the creature and put preasure onto her arm, choaking the stuffed bear with her flesh and blood; while the strangulation was working temporarily she looked around for something to wound the beast further, as he was going to move his head she felt a small droplet of water fall against the nape of her neck chilled and soothing to the touch. She looked above her to see the dangling icicles from outside beginning to melt from contact inside, she smiled as she reached up and grabbed the body of the slick icy surface breaking it off with success. 

She looked down to the evil toy and rose the ice above her head, driving it into its eye and through the socket. She could feel the green blood bursting out of the popping eyeball as she pushed on the icicle harder, the bear could only growl and howl at the excruciating pain. This caused him to loosen his locked jaw grip on her arm and scream, clawing desperately at the ice in his eye to come out; little to no success came his way as he was thrown out into darkness plummiting down the empty space of wall and rusted nails. 

Krampus stil held onto his beautiful bride once they were in the dinning area, he let her down slowly still keeping his hold on her as his hand rested on her hip, pullingher body close. He could hear the rapid beating of her heart as he continued to overlook her, the images he had seen surely did no jusstice compared to the real thing; her eyes were even lighter in comparison and her hair much longer and silkier than he ever thought. His gaze moved to her lips, a lightly tinted pink and looked to be as soft as a rose petal, the necklace around her neck glowing a faint white, knowing that it was only because of him. He smiled ever so slightly as he craddled the back of her head and moved her closer, he felt her try to resist- trying to push him away- however, he huffed a small chuckle as he gripped her hip little more than he should and kiss the top of her head.

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