XXIII The Way Things Should Be

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Darkness and light.

Scales and shadows.

Warmth and cold.

Burning embers and gentle caress. 

That was all that could be made to Sophia's consiousness as she faded and came to. She felt as though her body were made of lead, no matter how much she wished to move she just couldn't. She could hear the faint yells of Max's voice as he pleaded for his family, his friends' life, for everything to be the way it was taking back his 'wish'. She desperately tried to fight the drowsiness and get Max' s attention, let him know that she was there; she had tried to reach for him when she saw the massive creature with alluring eyes hold him above the fiery open pit. With the little strength that she had he pushed herself upright against the scaly creature, successfully slipping down only to lose her strength and collapse into the snow, not only to be caught back into the creatures warm clutches again as his wing caught her and pulled her close. Her vision only wavered, everything shook as it brightened and darkened; she felt as though her body was in a trance as a comfortable warmth enveloped her like a mothers embrace. 




However, it was soon betrayed as she watched in horror Max's form being dropped into the scorching fires below, his screams echoing in her drug induced senses. She shook when the form with ember eyes focused on her and made his way over, his hooves crushing the fallen snow under him. She grew scared of what events were to be played next, wondered if she too would be cast into the neverinding inferno before them. Her breathing grew short and ragged as the wing holding her withdrew and invited the tall stranger access; he'd picked her up as though she were a small child, looking into his eyes halted her panic and regulated her breathing once again, her heart melted as he brought her form close until her head rested under his chin. Those feelings came rushing back being completely safe in the arms of a stranger as the darkness consumed her. 

Max let out a horrified yelp as he fought against the fabric restraints and landed harshly against the cool wood of his floor. He groaned in pain as he clenched his eyes shut, the pain being momentarily forgotten as it was replaced with the fear that he'd  felt clench in his chest, his surrounded environment left him confused. He saw the familiar blue walls of his bedroom with his favorite posters and drawings tacked up while his dirty laundry crowded the few corners; he brushed his fingers through his hair utterly lost within his memories, he could only remeber the violence and bloodshed as he watched each and every one of his family members being killed before him. He'd even remembered being cast into the open inferno by Krampus, so far as to feel the blazing heat engulf his being, leaving no trace of his existence.  

He could still smell the sulfure in his nostrils and taste the ash.

He pulled himself off of the floor to look outside seeing the bright morning sun and the faint fog on his side of the glass, rubbing it away he saw the neighbors houses; lights on, snow men gone, and the snow plow doing its work on the road. He turned to his Christmas calendar and opened the last door that remained shut. The last door being that of Christmas day, he smiled softly as he thought it all was a dream that his wish was something to scare him in his sleep. 

Though he didn't know why a girl with silver hair and frozen blue eyes kept popping up in his memories, as though she had some part in this Christmas.

He had felt a sense of relief in some way knowing that his family wasn't actually killed and that he can enjoy this morning with them. From his open door he could hear the faint sounds of laughter and barks of Rosie, his smile grew more as he made his way down as the smells of burning wood, fresh hot cocoa brewing, and chocolate chip cookies being baked. When he turned the corner he could see that everyone was there conversing with each other as though nothing from the previous two days had occured, he'd thought that perhaps all of it was a bad dream to begin with when he made it to the cusioning seat in between his parents.

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