XIV A Little Bit Of Sugar, Spice... Makes Everything Nice

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Everyone was mortified by what they had witnessed, especially Martha and Linda. Them seeing their better halves shaken, freezing, and the look of fear bled from their husbands had them wondering what really happened out there and what truly happened out there to have them shaking to such an extent. Linda thought it be smart to distract the kids and lead them all into the kitchen to get something to eat. Martha agreed with the notion and asked Aunt Dorothy to go with the children and watch them; "why me?" she asked, explaining that she never liked kids even amongst the company of them in her past. However, when Martha gave her a stern look that meant otherwise- and she had no choice in the matter at hand- Dorothy reluctantly put down her yarn and crochet hook with her hands up in surrender to go on. Thomas begged for his mom to go with Aunt Dorothy to go into the kitchen and keep the kids busy. Blankly she had agreed, but, before she could leave to the kitchen to join them she turned to her son and told him, "halte das Feuer heiß," [keep the fire hot] and walked away with Max to the kitchen.

What he didn't expect was his silver haired guest to already have the first aid kit in hand and cutting away the fabric in Howard calf. Every now and then she'd give him packaging from the kit to set aside or discard, but, all he could do was assist the young girl as she worked quietly on his brother in laws leg.

Howie wondered where Sophia went, wanting to be with her during such a scary moment. What he saw when his father walked in had him quaking in his socks, he's never seen his father come home so injured, let alone hurt so badly; if anything, he'd always seen his father healthy and come home with a fresh kill on his back. Seeing his father in such a state was a first for him and it terrified him. "Dad will be fine Howie, don't worry, " his aunt encouraged him as she set a candle down in the middle of the small kitchen table and got some ingredients for peppermint eggnog. He could only smile once again as he sat down, wondering about a certain silver haired beauty in the next room.

Martha watched in awe as the young girl worked on Howard's leg with no hesitation in her movements. She wrapped everything so precisely and cleaned the wound so well that one would have thought she had experience in the field. She stood by her husband with her hand on his shoulder to try to help him to calm down, however, though it helped direct him back to the real world, he still shook slightly and all adults kept silent as they watched the girl work on. All had lingering questions to ask her and wanted to know how she knew what to do, but, for Martha, only one question had repeated in her thoughts...

Who was this girl?

Krampus had continued to watch as he too was in awe of the silver haired girl. Her movements flowed smoothly as her fingers looked like they danced as they wrapped the bulky man's leg. His smile grew as he watched, knowing that in the future she'd be his healer if ever he was injured during his expeditions. He felt a nudge at his side to see his psyliac watching his bride as well, eyes adorned with a possessive need to protect and love her already. He smiled once more when hearing his serpent let out a purr like hiss for Sophia. He stroked his pet as he looked back through the ice covered glass, placing his claws to where she would be and sliding it down effortlessly. "Nicht mehr lange..." [Not too long now...] he spoke, "sie wird endlich in meinen Armen und endlich zu Hause sein..." [she will be home and she will be in my arms at last...] before he could continue on his tone had changed slightly and spoke in his loves tongue, to know that she'd be able to hear his dark forbidden promise, "and I'll kill anyone that stands in my way."

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now