VI Christmas Dinner Disastrous Beyond Repair

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The atmosphere in the dining room was anything but pleasant for most of the family members. All sat in silence with scratching forks against plates and the aroma of food lingering in the air. Sophia sat before the dinner table in absolute awe and amazement at how much food was displayed in front of her and the gourmet meal placed in front of her; she was situated between Beth and Max whilst Jordan and Stevie across from her, sparing a few glares her way as they ate.

Sophia was slightly confused as she ate a piece of warm biscuit, she had remembered her family being loud and rambunctious as they ate, her grandfather being the only one to remain silent as her parents talked with distant family members. Right now she felt that everyone had little to nothing to discuss about while they all ate; no smiles on their faces, not even a single word of thanks to Mrs. Engel for so much amazing food.

She could only remain silent and nibble on her plated food whilst the family ate and sent glances to each others way.

Howard had a few chances to glance over at Sophia and didn't know what to think of it; he thought that the Engel's had participated in some charity group in helping homeless kids during the Christmas times, but, the more he thought about it the little it made sense to him. He couldn't think of any reason why the Engels of all people would pick up a street kid for no reason.

To say the very least he had eyes on Sophia and planned to keep her away from his family.

Whatever her intentions were.

Everyone ate in an uncomfortable silence, Aunt Dorothy situated comfortably in her place while taking gulps of Eggnog every once in a while, enjoying the added alcohol that she'd slipped into her cup without the others knowledge to add some spice.

Howie Jr. was a little disappointed that he couldn't sit next to Sophia at the dinner table, he had planned to hold her hand while they ate and impress her with his burping skills like his mother and father did during their meals. The next best thing that he could settle for was impressing her from afar with how loud he could make his burps make and how long they could last. It was then that he let one out from deep within his gut and burped towards Beth, intentionally to send it to Sophia's way.

Beth was utterly disgusted with Howie's sudden action, even taking a gulp of soda pop before sending a nauseating wave of breath towards her. She placed her hands on the table to stand up and leave for the night, not before sparing her mother another look, begging to be dismissed from this dinner party and with her mother shaking her head slightly, she got the message and sat back down. Howard let out a guttural laugh as Howie burped, exclaiming in proud proclamation, "that's my boy!"

"It sure is" huffed Thomas with much needed cheery enthusiasm. Howard found it necessary to start bragging to the family how feeding his boy hearty healthy meals would be able to bulk him up and get him fit for some lineman position in football.

All of which Thomas didn't care.

Martha grew more irritated as the youngest of her sisters family, Chrissy, threw the remainder of her hone cooked, fancy dinner onto the floor for Rosie, the families pet, licked up the rest. She had thought that her sisters family would be somewhat grateful for classy, handmade, authentic foods rather than what she had grown up with during the days her family struggled with money the most. "Wow," she exclaimed, "looks like Chrissy's really enjoying my gravlax," the small seven month old child could only giggle and continuously say 'uh-oh' when dropping the slimy noodles to the floor. Her sister had taken the chance to make it a good time to set a reminder for her kids, "careful kids, we gotta remember Martha like things clean," before continuing she picks up Chrissy and began to talk in a babies voice, "and that's why she make so much food that you can't even pronounce."

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