XV Up the Chimney Goes Howard Jr.

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Krampus stood in the corner of the dark room and observed his Sophia drinking in contentment. It brought such a deep sense of emotion in him, a warm feeling to his cold heart to see her so peaceful, even the most simplest of things brought so much light to her. He could not imagine how radiant she would be rounded with his offspring, to be the carrier to his next generation of evil doers.

It had him aching in his nether regions just thinking about it.

He clutched his hands together and took in a deep breath of her intoxicating scent before he could leave once more. The calming aroma of pine and sweetly spiced peppermint permeating the air around him had satisfied him for the time being.

He ground his teeth back together and closed his eyes as he spoke a silent incantation to fade away and back into his cloaked skin just outside the window. He felt he was so close to finally having his queen yet so far away from truly having her within his grasp.

Though he was a creature of patience, when it came to her, soon couldn't come soon enough.

Kip was surprised and hopped around the table in merriment when seeing his first master outside of his skins, he had never done that in previous searches- let alone for other candidates- with this he was certain that Sophia was the real deal. He watched his mistress take the final gulps of the warm liquid, knowing that the drink had something extra within its contents. The sweet and cinnamon spice of the hot chocolate was the only thing that could mask the herbal narcotics to help her sleep, she only had a few hours before she'd be in a deep sleep; to regain her strength that she needs the most.

And Kip purred when knowing that his mistress will finally get some sleep without being undisturbed. He knew that the plan was going accordingly and smoothly at its fast pace, he only had to play the part until the elves would come and wreak havoc on the families final moments.

Only imagining the darkness and the sounds of screams had him pant in excitement, grasping and releasing the tablecloth under him just begging for the thrill.

He had stopped when feeling his mistress pick him up and walk towards the stairs, he grew confused slightly when feeling her sit down on the foot of the stairs; until he listened quietly, from where they sat they could hear the conversation happening in the next room as clear as day.

So both Sophia and Kip had made themselves comfortable on the step- Kip laying on his back, belly side up to his mistress, and Sophia rubbing her toes in the stairs carpet whilst petting him- and continued on listening to the adults conversation.

Thomas grew more and more worried by the minute as the fire blared within the fireplace. That being their only heat source during this never ending blizzard, though that was the least of his worries; he grew more worried for his daughter, much like his wife. He had to come up with another alternative to get everyone out of there safely, find Beth- hopefully unharmed and in safe conditions- and find another living space for everyone to hide out and sleep in.

He had fidgeted with Howard's bandages just to make sure that Sophia had done them correctly and that it wasn't too tight. "Jesus Tommy, leave it alone," Howard huffs, moving his leg away slightly from his worried brother in law, "the girl did a fine job, all you're doing is making it worse," he put his leg back on the foot stool so that it was properly elevated. He sighed once feeling his leg ease from the pain when resting on the cushion.

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now