VII Missing Letters

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As the night went on Sophia worried more and more for Max, what his cousins had done was very cruel and unfair under so many levels and should not have been done under any circumstances. All family members had left Max to be alone within the confines of his room, except for his dad, to settle the uneasy tension in the room and to give the humiliated boy some well deserved privacy.

Whilst helping the mothers clean up the mess from the three children's fight and the left overs from dinner in silence, Sophia had thought of other ways- or other hiding spots- for her letter to Santa to be kept safe, not wanting to risk that chance of letting the two snobby girls getting their hands on her letter. She huffed in irritation as she finished cleaning the polished oak dinner table, nearly seeing her reflection in the hard wood surface as she failed to think of other ways to protect her letter. Now all she wished to do was to sit back and continue her book that Mrs. Engel gave her to read; then, as if the thought had never been any more clearer than it had now, she found a way to hide her letter from the girls and still keep it close to her and safe from unwanted eyes.

Within the pages of her book.

She quickly went over towards Max's stocking to get her letter, only to find that her letter was not there. She looked a bit deeper inside the stocking filled with gift cards, candy, and small toys, but her letter was no where to be found.

Sophia's heart fell down into her stomach as her mind now filled with worry and dread.

She had written to Santa everything that had happened within that year along with her wishes for this year, she could only nibble on her nails as she continued to worry more and more throughout the night. Wondering only one thing as she rested near the fire...

When will her secrets be revealed?

The cousins searched each other high and low for Sophia's letter, itching to know what the strange girl could be hiding; Jordan had sworn to her sister that she had kept it inside her jacket's pocket during dinner. Little did they know that when Max had struggled within Jordan's grip he had taken that chance to pick pocket her jacket and take Sophia's letter. Both girls sighed in irritation and gave up on finding the crummy letter from the weird girl; they'd think of different ways to get at her just as they did with Maxie pad.

Max still resided in his room as he sat in front of his desk, rereading his letter that was only to be read by Santa and no one else. He didn't want the others to know what he'd wish for nor did he want the others to know just how much he'd notice things and how much he wanted things to change among the family. When talking to his father he did make a good point in finding things in each other that they had in common, even with the assholes that families sometimes can't stand. Max laughed slightly when his uncle Howard came to mind in that category, so far this Christmas was turning out to be really bad, but, he started to wonder if his dad was on to something.

"Dad, do you really believe that?" he asked, genuinely curious if his dad took his own advice to heart. When his father's reply was a brief, "I really want to pal," it made Max's thoughts brighten slightly, "but hey, we'll still have time to send Santa your letter huh? maybe even Sophia's too," Thomas chimed, thinking of the silver haired friend for Max's sake. Max sat at his desk a little longer, debating whether to give his family that chance to possibly make things better this year and actually be a family; Max then took his letter and folded it back up while taking his envelope and licking the outside seal to activate the dried up glue, he slipped his letter into the envelope again, thinking that maybe his family can change and make Christmas the way it used to be.

Though, before he could think to seal the letter again his mind turned dark once again, he took the letter out of its seal and tore up his letter to Santa. He grew angrier and angrier as he tore up the letter into smaller shreds; he knew that they would never change and that things would only get worse each and every year that they were here, his hope for Christmas was gone and he didn't want to wish for anything if nothing was going to change amongst the family. Before going over to the window he looked to Sophia's letter, still sealed in a clean envelope as her name decorated the eggshell colored paper. Max's eyes softened slightly as he crumpled up the remains of his letter and picked up hers, he couldn't imagine what else his cousins might try to do to his new friend if the letters were still around. Though not wanting to tear up the beautifully written letter he carried both his and her letters to the window and tossed them into the snowy night, not once noticing that both letters danced int he night sky and blew into the sickly darkening clouds.

Summoning the Shadow of Santa himself.

Krampus still resided within his chambers as he continued to look inside the glass ball, Sophia's form still resting in the glossy surface. His long claws stroked the image of her face along the smooth texture of the glass; he could not take this torture any longer, though staring at her form for only a few minutes he was very much so drawn to her and ached to be near her more and more as the storm intensified outside along with his hunger for the girl.

His fingers tapped along the glass while the other hand toyed with the small bells he'd have around his torso when taking those that had given up the Spirit of Christmas. His ember eyes squinted slightly as he went through every plan and scenario to fetch his perfect bride, not before three distinct knocks from outside his chambers lost him of all concentration. His sharp nails scratched along the ball's surface when being disturbed and seethed anger as he stood from his chair to answer the annoyance at his door.

When opening to see one of his elves holding a letter shredded and another still in tact, his growl resonated from deep within him and echoed throughout the dark halls. For this was the reason that his thoughts were interrupted?

Another measly job to handle before Christmas day?

Before Krampus could smack his evil elf out of sight and take the remains of both letters, an intoxicating smell made its way to his nostrils; the smell of pine and peppermint. He looked at the letter still in the elves hands when slowly bringing his hand down at his side, the scent had him still and slow in movement- overwhelmed by the calm and sweet scent from the letter- that he nudged his head to the side, urging his elf to place the contents on his table.

The elf had grown puzzled when seeing his master angry at first and then calm the next, he set the discarded remains on the large cloth covered table and as he turned to leave his masters chambers he looked into the glass orb set on the edge of the table... And a very beautiful girl's image floated in its misty fog.

Before the evil elf, Grinny, could say any more he was picked up by the back of his tunics and tossed out of his masters room. He was slammed head first into the ancient oak pillar of his masters home and a small crack was added to surface of his wooden chiselled mask. Now he knew why there was a sudden change with his master.... he'd found her.

The soon to be future queen.

After some time in reading both Max's and his loves letters his smile only grew into a wide and mischievous grin. He now had a fool proof plan laid out to kill two birds with one stone; to punish the family and take his love at last.

"My dear sweet Sophia North," he breathed, inhaling the alluring scent that still remained on the letter while keeping it close to him, "you'll be with me soon... and no one is going to stand in my way."

He stood up fast as he got his attire back on and ordered his toys and minions to gather everything for the next punishment.

His smile never leaving his face as he'd imagined of finally finding his love at last.

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