XI Guns? On Christmas??

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The winds continued to howl as the night progressed, with the night now taking over the light was barely able to be seen among the blazing storm. The falling snow now falling at a fast pace and felt like razors cutting through skin.




Krampus watched the large vehicle slowly make its tole through the unforgiving snow, its lights barely able to light a clear path and the snow constantly piling in layers on the windows surface. He huffed in amusement, a smirk growing on his face as he thought how clueless these humans were. This was his time, happiness and joy was not coming this year for this family, but sadness and death for their punishment. His eyes softened slightly when thinking of a certain someone that will be his only present in the night, the one thing he's wanted for thousands of years.

His beautiful bride.

He closed his eyes momentarily to make contact with his pet, wanting another chance to see her. His ringkin immediately accepted his masters foreseeing and let him take over his sight, to where Jealous now looked to his beauty of the night; her hair free of knots and still bundled up comfortably, now mouthing out words to a new book placed in her lap as she stroked his fur. Krampus purred in delight when feeling what his pet felt within the moment, he couldn't help it and continued to purr deeper as he felt the ghost of her touch.

Krampus was brought out of his sensational fog when hearing the loud engine stop in front of the other vehicle that his helpers took care of.

Another piece was set into motion, it was time for someone else to die.

Howard and Thomas grew confused as to why there was a snow plow in the middle of the road and why its light was still on, lighting its sign that it was still there like a lighthouse to those lost at sea. Both men slowly approached the abandoned vehicle with the nipping cold freezing their skin and the faint sound of bells being chimed through the air as they got closer.

With both of their flashlights on and inspecting the state of the plow they opened the door more to look inside, only to find the victims presents still resting unopened on the seat, the drivers registration and company paperwork as well as his families photo attached to the sun protectors flap, and the keys still in the ignition.

"Christ," Howard spoke, "the poor bastard must've sailed clear through," though Thomas would agree with Howard at some point, he he had to disagree with this one; pointing out to him that the glass looked as though it were tucked in.

Like someone was reaching for him through the glass.

He looked to where the plow stopped and the worry began to build within his gut, seeing that it stopped directly in front of Derek's house; his instincts telling him that something was wrong, very wrong.

Only one though echoed from his mind to his tongue.

We've gotta find Beth.

Howard was glad for such an occasion to actually keep his back trunk stocked with things that every hunter would need.


"You packed guns? On Christmas..." Thomas said, almost yelling because of the storm picking up in speed just slightly. His smile grew when gathering his second love in his arms, "always be prepared boy scout," he finished as he handed the gun over to Thomas. He commented that the gun was slightly heavier than anticipated and barely carried it with two pinched fingers, Howard laughed slightly and only smiled.

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now