XVIII Torturous Fun Part 1

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The helpers burst with life as they ripped their paper confines to shreads, all demonic toys had their own plans for each member of the family. The gingerbread men climbed on top of each other to get to the air ducts, to travel their way to the kitchen whilst the angel thought it be best to rest for a short period of time while awaiting for her target to come up. The jack in the box would lure someone to the attic portion of the house one way or the other. He could only lick his pointed teeth some more as thick strings of spit smeared its way down his jaw and onto the ruffles of his shirt. 

Jack was so eager for this moment, though the eldest daughter to the family was delicious to consume he wanted something more; something that had more fat and meat on their bones rather the skinny toothpick he enjoyed eating but did not have enough. And there were two certain girls he had in mind to be his next target.

All special helpers had their own special task in hand, but, one specific instruction was given to them from their master with the scent of peppermint and pine to accompany it; that the owner of this scent is to not be harmed at all costs and if even a hair is misplaced on her head it would mean certain death to all of them. 

And all understood completely and assumed position. 

Stevie and Jordan sat up from their spots, the greif they had felt just hours ago had decreased greatly and sad memories lingered in their thoughts. They both noticed that all of the adults- in exception to Aunt Dorothy- were in the other room discussing some things. Max sat close to his grandmother speaking in foreign tongue whilst she placed more logs to burn in the burning flame. Their youngest sister fast asleep on the cushioned couch face down. The only one they noticed that wasn't occupied was Sophia, merely gazing into the fire whilst her hand hovered above her lap. Both turned to each other and saw the same feeling linger within each others eyes. 


Both had a deep dislike for the silver haired girl. 

Stevie couldn't help but act out on her feelings and lash out on Sophia. "Why did you let it happen," she asked, standing in front of her. Sophia only looked up when Stevie spoke, tilting her head to the side slightly in confusion, "don't play stupid with me bitch, I know your involved in this." She could only hiss at her as her anger for her only grew with each passing second. "You were the closest to him and you could've helped bring Howie back, you're to blame for him being taken you freak," she was starting to feel better as she called Sophia demeaning names and she felt that if she blamed someone else for what had happened that night she'd feel better even more and not so pained. 

Sophia, however, sat there taking the insults. She'd been called these things before and it was not new to her by any means. The degrading from her father and the name calling from the bullies in her school had made her numb to all of it. Though she was used to being called certain names it didn't mean that it pained her still, her mind recollected the memories of the abuse and the degrading in her house and her school. 

She especially remembered the day her voice was taken away, when her father had slit her throat when she was ten only because she "cried too much". Luckily there was her fathers doctor friend there at the time to close the incision just in time, however there was too much damage to her vocal chords to do any further help. She was one of the only few that had survived such a life threatening wound; back then she was greatful to her fathers friend for saving her, though was sickened by the fact that he had future decieving plans to damage her even more. 

He was caught for mistreating his practices and molesting one of his children patience within the confines of the office. Not only did he lose is doctorate license, but, he was also sentenced to life in prison.

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