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Krampus growled as he stood taller from the rooftop, listening to his psyliac howl and hiss in pain. He watched his pet move as the snow moved in its path, scurrying away as the faint trail of dark blood seeped into the snow. He glowered at the men huddled together in the snow, his eyes glowing a burning ember as the lanky male help the injured one out of the snow. His lips snarled in a sneer as a growl resonated deep from within his chest, he thoughts turned dark as he imagined many different ways to torture them once he had obtained their pathetic bodies; without thinking anymore of the human males he brought his skull out, activating the silent kark whistle that called to his scaly companion at his side.

 His lips snarled in a sneer as a growl resonated deep from within his chest, he thoughts turned dark as he imagined many different ways to torture them once he had obtained their pathetic bodies; without thinking anymore of the human males he bro...

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Whilst calling the psyliac to the Engel home, he awaited patiently for him, needing to see what the damages were to his beloved pet.

Thomas huffed in short victory when hearing the strange creature crying out in the night as it retreated. Thomas wondered what kind of creature was strong enough to pull a nearly two hundred pound guy into the fallen snow and toss him around like a rag doll, let alone survive long enough in whether like this. He pocketed his gun while helping Howard up, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT THING?!" Howard cried out as his exposed leg and hands suffered from the burning snow, reaching for his fallen gun a few feet away. "I DON'T KNOW BUT WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! COME ON!!" He shouted, adrenaline still spiking from before as he supported his brother in law. Both struggled to get through the snow in order to get to the truck, supporting each others weight, however, when making it to the other side of the abandoned snow plow Howard was met with horror as his heart sank to his stomach. His eyes grew in size and his breath caught in his throat as he watched his beloved truck smoldered into flames.

The greatly relied on truck was left in disarray as it caught fire completely, his dream truck that he'd worked so hard for with everything inside- from his family and kids, even loads of ammo- was now gone. "LUCINDA!!!!" he cried as he held onto Thomas tighter for support, not wanting to fall once again in the snow.

Everyone within the Engel house was on edge, all kept thinking of different scenarios of what might of happened with both men of the house outside. Sophia stayed standing after she'd heard the gunshots and could only pet her beloved Kip to calm herself as her heart beat rapidly; thought she didn't know both men of separate households well, she still grew concerned for their well being. She could only hope that the both of them were alright and that there was some misfire, though, her gut told her otherwise.

Jordan and Stevie were on the couch still with their brother beside them, tablet now off and hidden beneath the thick blankets. They looked at each other with a knowing look that something was definitely off, they had known the sound differentiation between their families guns. From the many years of their hunting expeditions, they knew right away that it was their mom's gun that had fired, not their fathers heavy duty shotgun. Both decided not to say a word and only turn on the tablet once again to numb themselves to the situation at hand, entertaining their brother too as they awaited for their fathers arrival.

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now