XXII Brave At the Face Of Death

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When Omi saw the elves leave and Sophia be taken by a mystical creature she had paniced, she drew her coat closer to her as a source of comfort and warmth before making it to the fireplace. She knew that when growing up in Germany it was always safest to keep the fire lit, to keep the darkest creatures- like Krampus- away from her home and her loved ones. She reached inside to feel if there was the slightest bit of heat or burning embers left in the logs, when she felt that they were still warm there was a ray of hope in her desperate to keep Krampus from coming in. She found the long box of matches and brought a few out to strike, once the flame was brought to life it was quickly extinguished by the winters harsh wind. Her heart began to sink as her shaking hands brought out a few more and strike again. Once again the flame had died before she could even cup the small fire into her hand. 

"MOM! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" she turned to Thomas with a look that any mother would when being told what to do by their child, but, was soon replaced with one of horror when feeling the house quake under a tremendous amount of weight and heavy footsteps against their roof. Her heart broke with the recognizing sound, she could hear the creaks of his weight against the outside slowly making his way to the chimney. She looked to the ground as her mind was having an inner battle with what needed to be doen and what her heart wanted the most; she watched as her son and her family made their way to the door coats and boots in hand. she could feel her eyes sting and swell with unshed tears as she watched her son, his wife, and her beloved grandson make their way out. She knew in her heart that something needed to be done, at least something to distracct him long enough from her family, with that she stood in the entryway and let a small sad smile form on her lips. When she saw that Max had turned around to see her with a questioning ponder in his eyes she allowed a few stray tears escape as she said those last few words to him and locking herself inside. 

"Be good." 

And with that stood before the most feared holiday shadow to roam this Earth in the reminiscence of her living room, once filled with warmth, joy, and laughter with her family, now await for her punisher to finish what he'd left behind all those years ago. 

Kip took to the sky with his mistress in hand; though trying to keep her still with an injured hand was a chore in itself, he was still giddy with excitement. After so many years of torturing young girls' souls and gouging the eyes out of those that pretended to love his master, he was overjoyed with Sophia being the one. 

Sophia's gentle nature amongst other things was just what his master had been searching for; after nearly a century of searching, torturing, and killing young candidates it all finally comes to an end.

And all servants can only look forward to the future heirs soon to be in this world. 

Kip looked over his shoulder to look to his mistress, he'd positioned her on his back to gain proper leverage and have a firm grip on her small body; though she'd try to kick amd flail her arms, his grip on her was allot stronger. His hands kept a firm grip on her, however, he could also feel how shaken she was of the storms biting icy winds amd the situition at hand. Though he was freezing himself he tried the best he could to produce more of his fog-like body to produce more heat; he whimpered when feeling her jump and stiffen as his warmth swallowed her. 

He only hoped that on the name of his master that she'd be different from the other failed brides and not fear any of the others that await for her. 

The elves laughed maniacally as they chased the other family members through the heavy storm. They struggled as it was through the knee high snow, trying desperately to get to the flashing lights. Grunge could feel the shifting of snow as the psyliac moved towards the target, growling in hunger for flesh and blood. They took to the darkness of the storm as they watched the giant serpent move with a fast pace and circle around the last adult male of the group, both taunting him and wasting his ammo on nothing but snowy grounds. 

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