X I Will Be Back

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The fire continued to blaze, the wood cracking from is incineration as burning ashes floated up the chimney. Everyone within the house had nothing left to do to satisfy their now growing boredom, all that was left to do was sit, stare, and be annoyed with the unending snowfall and each other.

Sophia took up residence near the living room window again watching the snow fall faster and faster. The cold from the outside could be felt along the glass and with her close to the surface she could feel the cold just barely kissing her skin. Kip was around her neck again snuggled close to her for heat and comfort, his purring tickled her slightly as his small beak and scaly head nuzzled against her scar.

She gave a silent giggle as she stroked his tail, keeping her gaze glued to the window to focus on the scenery outside.

Thinking how beautiful yet scary the snow seemed to fall.

The evil elves were watching over the Engel home, waiting for all gazes near the window to be gone so that they could begin their structure of the victims snowman; though some, if not most of them, had thought that this girl was the masters new bride and we're surprised that he gave the girl mercy in a quick death.

It was very unlike their master to show mercy to anyone worth punishing.

Especially the oldest female in the household.

Grinny, however, knew exactly why his masters behavior was different. Already the soon to be queen was making an impact on his masters life, not even meeting face to face with the man himself. He could only imagine what wonders this girl would do, not only for Krampus but for all of his workers as well.

Now finishing the construction of the sad looking snowman they all started turning back into the bushes nearby the house. One had spotted a figure near the window and wanted a closer look to appease his wondering curiosities, when he made it close enough his breath caught in his throat.

His eyes glued to a silver haired girl that had her eyes closed as her hand rested on- what he thought was- a scarf around her neck; her golden skin seemed like it glowed behind the glass and soft to the touch. He slowly began to walk towards the glass to get a closer look at the angel he was seeing, he could see that her hair flowed down the side of her head as she rested and her lips took the shade of a light pink. He also saw that a chain around her neck began to glow a faint red as her chest continued to rise and fall, his teeth ground together when seeing his masters ringkin around her neck, his eyes glowing a bright blue as he snarled through the glass.

His gaze was broken when his partner, Grinny, had pulled him into the bush before the girl could open her eyes. Looking through the small opening of the bush they saw that she had straightened her position and rubbed at the glass, looking around the area to see what had passed before.

Both gave a sigh in relief that they hadn't been seen. "Dummkopf!" [ Idiot ] Grinny spoke as he smacked Smirk upside the head, he growled at his partner. Though knowing the rules and partaking in these jobs for centuries, all seemed to be forgotten when seeing the goddess in the snow encased window. "Das ist für den Meister. Hast du vergessen? Vergiss deine Position nicht, wir sind seine Helfer, wir bleiben im Schatten." [That one is for the master. Did you forget? Do not forget your position, we are his helpers, we stay in the shadows. ]

Everything became quiet once more, all helpers awaiting for their master's next command.

Almost everyone.

Martha and Thomas continued to look outside as they awaited for something to happen. For Thomas, everything in their house to be back on; for Martha, her daughter to be back home safe and not with her boyfriend. Both of the married couple sat in front of the dining rooms window to talk and joke around like they'd used to and both had felt what they'd missed in a long time.

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now