IX Somebody Help Me

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The force of the snow storm was strong and powerful as Beth walked the way to her boyfriends house. With each gust of wind it sent each falling flake of snow to melt and burn her rosy cheeks. Looking around she could tell something about her neighborhood was off.

Every house that she'd walked by, slowly but effortlessly, was dark and devoid of all life. She was puzzled, confused as to why her neighborhood was so quiet and why none were lite with candles or fireplaces near their windows. She could only cross her arms around her chest from the freezing cold as she pressed on, the razor like flakes piercing her skin more with each second spent in its path; looking around the homes as she walked through she was concerned even more seeing the conditions everyone was under. The trees were almost completely covered in snow and the houses railings and drain pipes had icicles completely covering the entrance to the front doors, no lights were lit within the homes, no fire places nor candle lights close to the windows.

If her neighborhood was like this, who knows what could have happened to her Derek.

Before she could walk any further she looked to the sky as she noticed that the dimness of the sunlight was slowly becoming darker; the atmosphere itself had began to change, the snows cutting breezes had seized slightly and the snow fall began to decrease as the sky darkened more and more, as if day changed to night within seconds. Standing still she listened to her surroundings, small evil fits of laughter were barely audible as she looked around the small hills of snow by the freshly paved roads. The echoes continued as something new had intercepted her hearing, her attention was driven to the skies once again when hearing an odd sound that came along with the persistent winds.


Just as soon as its jingle came, it vanished and left her even more confused and terrified of the situation.

Krampus knew who this girl was and had received word from his ringkin of what this human had done for his queen. He'd seen through his eyes that she had given his Sophia a change of clothes- her own for that fact- and had kept her warm.

Though Beth sis look beautiful in his eyes he was no longer interested in another.

He only had his sights on the silver haired beauty awaiting for him in the targeted house for the last night of the year.

Before taking action and begin a fun chase with the teenage girl, he demanded his minions to give him the wind up jack in a wooden box toy and prepare everything else at the Engel house.

Prep another snowman to be built near the family home.

Though she had helped and gifted his queen with a small act of kindness, he could only gift her with something he's never done for any of his female victims during the Christmas season.

A quick, easy, yet terrifying death.

Beth grew more anxious with each passing second as the time slowly ticked by and she grew closer to her boyfriends home, the clouds and sky still an ominous and creepy feel to her surroundings. Before she could make it up the steps and off the road a heavy stomp resounded to the house behind her; thinking it to be the heavy snow sliding off of the houses rooftops she turns to see what further damage might have come, only to be greeted with a horrifying sight to behold.

A large, red cloaked figure slouched down, with massive horns.

She blinked a couple of times and squinted her eyes from any invading snowflakes in her eyes; however, when seeing that this figure was still there and had risen a little more to gain better attention stance, he knew that this was no hallucination nor trick of the eye. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth shuttered out a shaky breath, not believing that what she was seeing was real.

The Bride Of Krampus (Yandere! Krampus x Shy & Mute OC)Where stories live. Discover now