XXI See You In Hell

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Everyone could feel the adrenaline coursing through one another, the terrors that had struck each one of them had remained fresh in their minds. Everyone gathered back to the safe keepings of the living room, fire still burning brightly while few were holding onto one another as if for reasurrance for their own sanity. "What the hell happened up there?! Dorothy exclaimed, she held onto poor Chrissy as she cried. She had never seen her family so scared nor heard so much wracket going on in one night, well only in the bedroom with her late husband but not the point. She saw Stevie shivering as she descended from the stairs, glued to her mothers side like she was a child again only her glasses were cracked and cuts littered the outsides of her body, her jacket takiing on most of the thick, slimy moisture from God knows what. Before any more questions could be asked a loud muffled roar was heard from the airducts above them. She gasped slightly, bringing the still crying child closer to her, knowing that whatever's up there it was big enough to make creaks in the metal structure and bang its way through. 

Shit was about to go down. 

Linda only brought Stevie over to the couch closest to the fire, drawing the thickest blankets she could find over to her fear ridden daughter. She took the corners of the soft material and wiped away the awefully thick spit from her cheeks and eyes, her daughter could only look passed her and stare at nothing but the fire. She could tell that she was in shock, her mind slowly processing what was happening; their brief moment of peace was broken though when the muffled cries and monstrous groans within the walls grew closer and closer to the living area. Linda held her daughter and husband close as she looked onward, cautious of the thing above them. 

Jester groaned in pain, the metal confines around him made it harder for him to move. Along with his cloth like skin tearing with each crawl his two heavy meals were slowly beginning to digest. He stopped for one moment to catch his breath and bellow out a groaning roar, utterly frustrated with the situation at hand. It seemed as though the air ducts were nothing but a metal labyrinth, each turn was either a dead end or lead to another portion of the house and each one not his target. He continued to move and crawl, his skin ripping inch by inch, when the metal beneath him began heat up; a comfortable warmth as he drew closer and closer. He looked to an opening in the air vents, the only one with a source of light. He grinned and roared in delight when he finally reached his destination.

Sophia was very frantic when hearing the creaks of metal and the bangs inside the walls. She could hear the growls from rosie and from something else unimaginable; though the atmosphere was suffocating with panic and turmoil her mind wondered on and off to the shadowy figure that had shown her affection. The gentleness of his nature and the burning emotion in his glowing embers took her breath away and made her more confused; she did not know whether to be fearful of this being or affectionate in return, however confusing the situation may be she still felt the ghost of his kiss on her hand and the places still felt hot to the touch. She couldn't even forget the look of love and appreciation from Kip towards the kindred shadow as he rubbed the top of his head before fixing her hand slightly. 

At that moment her thoughts stopped all together and her eyes grew wide, not only were the growls growing and the sounds of a dog's whimper echoing, but, horror dawned upon Sophia when noticing that he was nowhere to be found after the shadow vanished. She was bound to get up and go back to look for her little pet when she noticed movements outside and the lightest of yellow eyes stared at everyone through the cracks of the window, unnoticed by the others. 

Kip was precise with his work in aid with Jester and his wounds. The meals he'd injested had caused him to swell at a faster pace as he moved within the air ducts. His shadowy form surrounded the jesters cloth like body to help close the wounds and use the leftover fabrics to create a temporary fix until everyone was safe back at the masters sanctuary. It pained him so to be seperated from his mistress, even more so that he was going against his master's order, but, he could hear his friends cries before he could even get close to the living room; he knew he had to do something before the cloth skin tore so much that his innards spilled into the metallic walls and the targets hald digested bodies along with it. 

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